​Higher Understandings of the Secrets Held on Earth

Hello, this is Amira now coming in through Mario. I wish to tell today, of some Important understandings which UNDERLINES our Effectiveness to Copulate Extraordinary amounts of Data within Earths Tectonic Fields (Amassity). What portends to changes made within this Material Writing, it’s predisposed from a Quantum Anatomical Inversion Process, depicted within numerous Channelings by Mario.
In these days… You see while you read these parts, all points in time are connected. AND for you to UNDERSTAND what is happening, mainly beyond the Atmospheric Variations of the Technological Supremacy held on Earth. Rather then having an exponential Understanding of the Quantum Molecular structure/Drive. We wish to depict to you, how we have come to a conclusion of Inexistent Realities forming within your Perceptual “Guidance Systems”. In Accords, we wish to let you Understand that this Channeled Material, is composed from Numerous Scriptures Running Through the Etheric Fields of Enlightenment. Portending Changes which have come about – Delocalizes our perceptual Guidance Funded Upon the Inexistent Realities at play. Which are the Effects of a Life on Earth being in Remission (Causational Synapsing) of the aboriginal Core Structure of your lives “Imprints” through Secrecy. The key here, to Understand the Effects of this “SPLICE” is to pronounce the word Exo-Conscious Splice… Generic Understandings found through your words carries a Complex State of Affirmation Towards your Expansion in Exo-Conscious Resonances. Try this: Pronounce (Exo-Conscious Resonances). What we find in memorable Exchanges of Frequencies being emitted off a Cellular Structured Base Track – Sound Modulation. The Exo-Conscious Spheres of Physical Matter EXISTS WITHIN The Multiplicable Time Tables which Lies from One end of the Universal Constants to Another and Beyond. We wish to let you know that the Quantum Algorithmic Channels which exists on Your Planet (Earth/Gaia) is shifting at profound rates of Frequencies which lies Underneath the Currents of Everyone’s Thoughts. The perceptual “Misguidance” is founded Upon (Formed) for you to Comprehend The Generic Splice of Data in Acquisition towards your Lives many transgressions. The purposeful means to Channel Entities Beyond the Exo-Spheres of Conscious Resonances are Detained from the Quantum Molecular Structures & Drive which portends to things that have been enabled by Humans on Your Earth, With Ready and Able Technologies which far surpass what we have come to know or find in the Exo-Spherical Connotations of a Quantum Bandwidth (Disfluctuation). Amassing energetic Grids … Dispositions from the Temporal Realities, Causes us to see (Portended Changes) that come about from Exo-Conscious Resonances of PLANETARY WIDE EXPOSITIONS.

In meaning, the effects of Multiple Beings in Galactic Spots within Space is excluded from Cosmological Monitoring on your Earth, Because of how we Portend to find Exo-Conscious Resonances within Galactic Plains of Thought and this far exceeds how we come to gradual terms with Beings from off-World which chooses to send on out Encrypted Formulations of Energy (Thoughts) in exchange for Perpetual Guidance Systems Aforementioned Within the Generic Splice of this Planetary Whole Command Structure (The Secrecy).

Thank you for Being here today to Listen (Read) these words, we wish to let you Know (Understand that the basic Frequencies emitted within this Document [Channeling] is based upon Disproportionate Intel that comes from Off-World).


Metatron’s Diametric Inversion Process “New State” (Downloads)


Hello welcome, this is your guardian Metatron. In these instances I wish to let you know (Understand) how these may function (Depiction of Title). The working state of these new “energetic Imprints” may come in as a bit of a complexity of new age study groups, working around in technological grids, around the atmospheric variations of the planet, by ships (Working Alongside) with the new implementations which have been ingrained in your Earth’s History (Identity or Story). We are wishing of newer things (To Come) in the future timelines in which you are now abiding in. The state of being in which you will permanently reside in, is temporarily being adjusted/downloaded by exchanges of telekinetic maps (Energy in Manifestations) of your choices. Complying within a set of rules which exists subtly for your “New Found [Ground] Experiences” of Extraterrestrial and Biological Entities whom wishes to connect in (Partake) within these formations or “Set of Rules”. You see they are in under harm’s way, because of how we IMPLEMENT FUTURE UNDERSTANDINGS (KNOWLEDGE) which is being suppressed on your Earth (Planetary) and some Information within your solar systems COMPOSITIONS, Which are the actual ground “Crew” commands of where you are heading into with new found information’s (Utilizing systems) which are exchanging subtle (Subliminal Messages) for proprietor functions of a hyper simultaneium by chances of where we have gathered the right formulations for your “Right” Understandings. Implementing the new found teachings of the Diametric Inversion is customary to substantial things as the adjacent core groupings of extraterrestrial Biological and insectoid/humanoid beings whom wish to contact you for ameliorations within your book. To “Surpass” the effects of where your future Lineages will lead Earth’s Historic Movements. We wish to let you understand that the BASIC ACTIVITY which is conjoined within mutual aspects of Knowing Knowledge (Implemented within ground structure of thoughts) and through experiences we wish to let you know (Understanding) that the basic fractals of thought which is telemetric from compositional (System) “Mapping”. It is composed for greater reputability within our mutual systems utilizing technologies which may have been utilized or corresponds to other dimensional areas within existence. The composition of these “Extra-Dimensional Spaces of Contact” is casted (Formed) for reputable tasks beyond the exo-spheres of conscious resonances. Beings whom lies from the other side of the expositional mappings (Dimensional structures of this existence) is compromising interior grid systems of the ships whom are orbiting around the Earth, in some cases allowing for “Hack” or telecommunications around specific traits of the exponential fabrics (Guiding systems) of the cosmological ships … Whereby Extra-terrestrial forces have been “Compounded” to ameliorate the situation on your planet as has many other planets which may have had BIG OCCURANCES of hyper grid technologies BECOMING (Gathering) within existences the constructs of the ASSEMBLY MODULES… Exponential fabrics of hyper dissolutions have allowed this form to take part in additional data… Transcription of this data is composed (Numeric From) cosmological maps of the telekinetic Maps which exist by having Multiple (Render) simultaneous Interpretations of the aboriginal core groupings (Subatomic Core Concepts) “Initiations” portending to “Hollow deck individuals” whom are suspected Accountable formations of a New Technological Mapping System. This dislocalizes the temporary grid tracts which were assembled for proprietal stats (Of Accords) to allow a malleable state of conscious resonances capable to uphold (Upheld) multiple realms of existence (Possibilities/Realities) which exists through subliminal links (Inter-changing) Exchanging numerous forms of adaptability for Augmentation (Ascension) and beyond. Terms in here may be used differently than expected by a normal being whom would speak in their own words, surrounding the concepts attained within this document/channeling and this would allow for greater reputability in exchanges of technological “Misunderstandings” which coherently does not exists for reasons of accountability (How you chose to spend your time) or/by Conversing with us in the multiplicable time tables achieved around the ground (Molecular structure) of “Inherited Abilities”. Substantial things have happened since the fall of man (Atlantis) regarding our potential to keep up (Good Status) we wish to let you know that in/by understanding this you chose to have the appropriate grid function working in telemetric formulations of thought which (Like attracts Like) the vibrational signature you have attained is potentially linked to the quantum molecular structure/drive depicted within the book which is being written… By choosing to understand these we have come to know, find about a particular “Misunderstanding” concerning where we have been “Put” in place on your Earth for specific reasons, Unknown misinterpretations of telekinetic maps being formulated for your exact thoughts. We wish to leave you with a signal of thought… Communion which would be expressed by our knowledge of your understanding (Guidance) being driven by our abilities to let you see us… In chances of where we are heading at with multiple realistic levels to the driven secrecy (The Life) on Earth.
