

The intellects acquired trough transformation of thoughts

We supposedly have an intense amount of data in our thought forms. These though forms are acquired when we delve in deeper connectivity (Activity) which enrols our minds towards a receptivity conditioned under telemetric rises of Conscious Co-Kinetics. Additionally, what portends to the enormous amount of data found to be hidden or simply “Unregistered” with our many happenings, it seems to assemble a higher grid tract (View and Perception) of Reality in more than one case (opportunity) of awakening.

What seems to be in partials to what we have come to understand as an awakening is simply a matter of our states of being, implementing higher order structure trough transformations which helps us kelp the natural abilities hidden in plain sight.

The potential we have within our own selves to find the many attributions which has held us under currents of change (Transformations) is interlinked within the higher grids, which are predisposed in subliminal core extensions from deeper levels of our conscious resonances.

Frequencies interplay links to many attributions which may lie hidden from our perceptions and awareness. The simplified core view (Understanding) of the many undulated levels of frequencies being interplayed by a plethora of beings (Creations), is in simultaneous conjunctions with our multiple levels of Conscious Co-Kinetics.

By chances of where we are getting at with this writing, I am simplifying matters for us to attenuate on decisions which have surfaced from reading into this informational field.

The spherical connotations can be seen as an augmentation to another transcriptional point in space and time where we come to learn about our past mistakes which has held us under currents of hyper dissolutions. By chances we managed to acquire a conscious overlap (Awareness within awareness) which has helped us achieve a Higher Grid View (Point of Assimilations) casted upon the Unseen.

What portends to shift at extremes without being noticed, can sometimes cause a bit of chaos or simply a brick (Stop) in our evolutionary latter.

The chain of commands which has helped us achieve a higher understanding of the potential reality links achieved here, lies under concurrent formations which are held under transformations of our lives independent energetic bodies, adapting, learning to Co-Exist with forces which are ingrained in the universal grids predisposed as random activity in which we come to find order and structure by aligning and making adjustments through hyper sensitivity.

Transposing matter in different formations of energy can cause us to assemble a new energetic point (Grid Intake), which allows us to bring about imprints of a new telemetric system which is capable of decoding and helping us create the unknown liable sources of energy which contributes to our ESP.

Simultaneous grid factors which abolishes interactive flows with other beings on this Earth, capable of communing in partials (Small or Big) spaces of reality around the world and beyond, causes us to support a hyper transmissible route governed by attributes of Gaia’s Synaptic Multidimensional Spheres.

Gaia’s Synaptic Multidimensional Spheres, helps us align matter (Physical Imprints) on occasional activity found out to be an excessive counterpart to additions made far back in time. Because of Quantum Leaps we have attained a disproportionate link to higher apertures in the future understandings of individuals whom are creating from the Heart and Soul.

In additions we have complied with a set of rules capable of enrolling humans in a higher standard with the capacity to augment our waves connecting points through synaptic activity in our brains. The more we learn to coalesce potentials which are hidden and become available once we falter into Trans Dimensional Energetic Waves. We come to find frequencies interlinking advents to a new probable understanding of the general velocity force enabled for our crossing point, Unveiling the many new challenges and set of codes in which we have downloaded through conceptions of a Higher Reality.

Exo-Planetary Contact

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This contact form is differentiated by a large set of factors. What we portend to find in substantial results carried on from acknowledgements made beyond this planetary system is quite existential. In meaning we allow for communications which have become abrupt by utilizations of technological leaps which have happened in the past and beyond… Some information is missing. The potential to link in Higher Octave’s, allows for conscious resonances of a higher order (Nature) which is dependent upon a simplistic flow (Analysis), composed from whereabouts of deviated fabrics found here.

The threshold which allows us to understand a higher probabilistic grid (World View) of synaptic waves modulated throughout cosmoses, undulated from formations of memory and synapsing currents in the brain, allows for a higher probabilistic view of the world (Reality) we hold in our spherical connotations, which adapts to an enormous grid network, utilized from Memorised Transparency.

In dislocations, mounted off near areas of the world in which the synaptic wave modulations are above average energy for consumption on a linear level of initiative cause for advances in our gradual evolution and unification throughout order and structure of consciousness. The simplified version of this world view would be in attendance to a higher, gradual undertaking, which seems improbable to some by acknowledgements made from our levels of conscious awareness… By Super Conscious levels we seem to be interconnected by a plethora of grids which utilizes our health and many other statuses of our bodies cellular and spirit connections to allow for a mesmeric language, Universal in Nature, which is composed of advance assimilations, carried on from synaptic wave modulations portrayed across the galactic plain and atmospheric levels of the planets conscious energetic grids.

Metamorphosis is a bridge towards an access of assimilations carried on from energetic body to another. The DNA has plenty of codes which carries on genetic and Multidimensional Mapping, allowing for accessible routes to new developments which have been carried on from the molecular and metaphysical, Hyper Dimensional Resonances, which are achieved by subatomic temporal management.

Traversing into the unknown

The Subatomic Temporal Management is key in how we attain hyper dimensional thought transcriptions, while allowing ourselves to falter into a semi awakened trance state, by which the energy emitted by higher modulations of our Main Core Reception traverses beyond this physical dimension. We interconnect processes of amelioration in decision making and Neutrality. This causes us to assemble a new proportion of our lives inherent abilities which lies dormant in many of us, because we have not become aware of the potential which lies deep within our creational capabilities by unlocking memory which has become stable by intents of a hyper dissolution.

A hyper dissolution is mainly what occurs when we are having a conversation, and our train of thought completely melds off in another direction without our ability to encode or decode the information which we receive while having access to our inner processes (Awareness).

Temporal grid tracts are part of the subatomic temporal management which shifts occasionally by changing the gradual velocity in which we work (On hands) with decisiveness achieved by hyper dissolutions.

What we carry in our genetic coding, is similar to how we carry our reality within this world by adapting to our bodies which are parts of an enormous system contributing to telekinetic energy (Consciousness) in motion of our generated realities by awareness (Imprint).

To substantiate indifferences achieved by a hyper dissolution, we would allow for core consumption (Reception) to falter into deeper levels of our conscious grids, which tracts out temporal grid structures from traverses beyond this physical dimension (Reality). This is how we achieve a connection to new implementations and advances in our works which can be seen as coincidental or random chance.

The energetic wave carried on from traverses beyond this physical and metaphysical dimension, is in partials to a greater totality contributing to the unseen world of Conscious Co-Kinetics.

The advances carried on from memorized transparencies is often found out to carry a gateway to multiple dimensions through simultaneous resonances.

Simultaneous resonances are often found out to carry the energetic wave (Code) for ascension of our being’s. Memory is adaptable in the simultaneous resonances, which allows for temporal grid tracts to advance in the next stages of our evolutional latter towards adaptability and conformity of the “Big Law’s” Out There (Beyond This Physical Existence).


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Enthrophy, a large speculation on Entropy.

What we see here is termed a dissolution, now what i mean by this, is that, the word Entropy is similarly adjacent to synaptic wave modulations which are carried on from traverses in the multidimensional spheres of our minds barriers. The continuum is termed differently within this writing because I am now enabling a higher view (perspective) of the word Enthrophy, as to allow hyper dissolution’s to occur on the main language (Input) within synaptic wave modulations, which are carried on from traverses within the minds internal mapping systems, relocating, multidimensional mapping systems (Energy) from our minds neutral Enthrophy*.

Now to allow things to unfold, we are gathering, telekinetic messages, more so telepathic energy (Concepts) emitted from ESP (Large Universal Network) Grids disposing Universal languages from traverses beyond our physical Imprints and levels of comprehensions by adapting a higher probabilistic view on the potentials emitted by beings whom work far back in reaches of time and space.

The length in time, written within this writing, should be known to come from far away spaces in time… Meaning, the galaxy’s future references from acknowledgements made through pin point accuracy (Point A to B) within this galaxy from multiple places at once.

The known understandings in which we find the accurate decline, can denote a large, substantial, leap in traverses made within our multidimensional spheres. Our minds are capable of adapting a High Grid Network Prohevision, multitasking on life’s many challenges which come about from a surplus in resonances, which are achieved, by relocating matter (Energy) from star systems that utilize technology capable of traversing the multidimensional barriers of this Universal Life System. Meaning; The potential to gather enough energy to adapt to a higher probabilistic view of the universes main language which coherently gives rises in Trans-Dimensional Capabilities, which suffices an extortion of data from the Universal Grid Networks.

To come to terms in understanding the capabilities which may lie hidden from extortion’s of the higher probabilistic data acquisitions, we can see that an enormous amount of work has been placed in our terminological demands, in which we achieved a higher grid view, (Perspective) of the world within this universe by going deep within the subatomic roots of the Earth’s, place in time, within this physical dimension, by mapping out an enormous amount of time within the Multidimensional Info Spheres.

That is All, We leave you in Joy!

Namaste :)