Staying calm, noticing the signs and becoming aware

30 Oct/19

Staying calm, noticing the signs and becoming aware.

How we get to understand the basic functions of communication with spirit and beyond.

2016-04-30 00.01.04

There are many people whom are attuned to the energies of their existence.

To see how this works is as easy as going into nature, and becoming aware of your surroundings.

There are many ways to understand what is unseen or unspoken. Language is very vague into how we get to comprehend the messages and energetics behind the implications of words.

Emotions are a way to send on out, frequencies. A specific emotion will send on out specific vibes (Energy) which is transcribed or picked upon by beings in the etheric realms as also the 3rd dimension (Physicality).

To comprehend the structures of the words which exists by beings who comes from far away spaces.

As a telephone, we get to dial in specific numbers to call upon (Send) energy to an opposing phone (Receiver).

The simple way to understand the basic functions of energy, is by gathering the intelligence (Frequencies) as AWARENESS of specific fields of energy, to lay down the foundations for our beings to commute.

To begin we say, how do we make the possibility of dialing the right numbers to call the other phone (Receiver) if we do not know innately the number of the person we want to call.

What we do is we silence the mind, to attain and get into a receptive state. To “pick up” on energies of people whom are aligned (Resonating) or as a “beacon” sending on out waves of conscious energy.

The telepathic nature of consciousness will rise – in attempts to get to or duplicate the resonant frequency emitted by the sender (Dialer) as also to get or obtain the right conscious “meme” or programming to achieve a direct feed or connection to the initial structures of our higher telepathic capacities.

As you all know by now, a “Higher Self” which could be seen as an Oversoul. It can direct energies with the implementation of thought by intention, and restructure (Form/Align) our beings for communion with entities (Beings/People and or spirit) to align to our senses by messages given as a synchronicity which can be seen over and over for confirmation. As also, directed Earth energies, as looking over or above us, when there is an impulse to do so and more. Ideas, or “visions” sounds and directed experiences aligned to our self for confirmation of an “above” normal interaction of the nature in which we abide in, onto this planetary system – to awaken senses.

The functions of the beings which are aligned to our solar system either “visiting” or coming here to help, is indefinitely already aligned and having communications with your Oversoul or if we are aligned to our soul group or soul family (As a Collective) – the communications are happening on a wider spectrum, which individuals of that soul family or group can commemorate or accommodate the right effects by transcribing the energetics of the higher self (Beings which are in transcription as a soul family – with the extraterrestrials or spirits). The acknowledgements of those whom are in-tuned and aligned to their purposes on this planet, can get to see and support their roles on this planet while being in service to others and agreeing to their soul contracts.

As an agreement or example of this effect, beings whom are aligned (In-tuned) with perceptibility of their functions and abilities, can AWAKEN to the truths thereof their abilities or hidden senses.

The way this functions is mainly by synchronicity and also having cleared a lot of misconstrued perceptions and unconscious to subconscious programming.

A clear intent and focus

The effects of a notable being capable to uphold the generalized sense of this beings message, is clearly made by having acknowledged and understand the mysteries and wonders of this planets ability to prove again and again the miraculous structures of the life we are living with organisms that exists in composition / tantrum and alignment to a balance and/or a homeostasis.

The functionality of the effects of the nature of the “systems” which recreates itself on a constant basis, has as effects a greater probable chain of events connected to the future venues of the humanitarian project which our bodies (Physical Core Systems) are being reanimated by spirit on a constant nonlinear spectrum of light energy.

The composition is, we are spirit, we animate our bodies and we forget* the point of no return.

To understand on a higher basic awareness, what we perceive and contain within ourselves, denotes the times of great transitions, while we attain or GET TO* moments of clarity.

Namaste, we leave you with joy.

An Aldebaran collective council of light message.

Open your eyes

27 Oct/19


12:00 – 12:07 AM Ship passing by…

Message: Open your eyes

Uplifting Humanity out of the Darkness…

They are here to protect and Serve.


12:41 AM

To write about?

We are here to protect and serve humanitarian structures or “products” if you will. Being that of the consciousness (energies) implied upon, by proper understandings of our people (The folks who comes from Aldebaran).

We have a proposition for humans. Indeed, we have. See here, there are more parts to these messages being delivered to your being right now, into how we can implement a stronger (More supportive) Structure for your being’s alliances. Being that of dispositions within time of remembering how to acclimate to the energetic grids in place upon this planetary system.

There are great and a many function upon a planetary body, by justifiable means what is capable to be withstood by all means from beings who can implement the larger structures of the conscious vibes or energetics placed upon a Fibonacci sequence of augmentation or augmented excerpts.

What we mean by this has as average a greater proponent of active formulations for the energetics to begin implicating (Implying) a stronger connection to beings of the outer star systems, which can withstand the accumulated core structures of a grand agenda, to say the least. This agenda has by far (reaching capacities) within core conceptions of the grand manuscript. Without falling short, there seems to be more than enough to serve on up higher purposes in the exo-atmospheric levels of the planetary body (This one, the Earth/Gaia/Sophia/Terra) and so on. Aggrandizations cause by the acclimating factors of the excessive energetic bonds (Connections) founded upon this place of resilience, is based upon a higher structural encoding which gives beings the capacity to unfold on a larger but presumptuous demand of activities (What we condense – See into and act upon by “future viewing” if you want to put it that way). There is a lot of great exceptions upon the planetary spaces of residence on your areas of expertise shall we say.

To atone to higher perpetual messages and grids which exceeds the ones created by mother/father of all creation. The prospections of active cords modulated through core concepts of the higher teachings can be done on a greater mapping (Technicality) views of the enormous amount of information which is layered out through the technicalities (Cords of energetic Liable formulas) – In a sense… These can be deemed unimportant in these instances but we have found a greater mapping in and on the planetary spaces of residence(S) where there is many and not One but MANY energies being played out by simultaneous scriptures of the beings who lay over the concurrent forms of reality within the existence of the 3rd dimension. So, to allow a higher technical cord (Mapping) for congruent forms of advances, we will let Mario (The messenger) lay out the formulas of our excellence for raw telecommunications.

Until next time, this has been an Aldebaran Council of Light Collective Message.

We leave you with joy, namaste.

How to acclimate to the newer energetic grids, in place within and on this Earthly realm of existence


In the upcoming days there are great potentials for us to understand how these messages are being transcript. What we choose to experience within this life (Or moment of Being) – Within the present time of Resurgence. There is great and many memories to be made on attempts to block the receptors (Interceptors) for messages given on the Web (Internet) from the Cloud to the Knowledge imposed upon the structural emissions and core structures of lines of energetic encodings – Regarding these words (Messages & Phrases).

We pertain to unusual activity within the confined generalized structures of a higher mapping or* see here, Guidance System.

Remarkably the attempts to numerate what we contended or BELIEVED to be the fall (At the exact Times*) in which we convey this information. It is ratter unpleasant for beings to acclimate from former knowledge within space. Because of the implications of how we construe messages… Regardless, there are many things (Meanings) occupying the same structural codes given HERE* within time of remembering the fractal access codes (Achieving Greater heights in Codexing) The codons in DNA. The light body emissions from on up high has extrapyramidal effects upon our genomes surrounding interior MODULES and structures, for core CONTACTS.

Remember the activeness (Perceptiveness of that word) may come in handy from time to time -/ On other worlds. Being that said, there are plenty of opportunities for us to grow older in the systems management routes. How we achieve acclimation (The points for transgressing / Transgressments) within and on this planetary body.

We can continue now? Yes, alright.

There seems to be accompanying alignments or ailments to those whom may have made mistakes in the pasts. While we changed the gradual functions of the timelines on this planet.

The core structural energies (Or implications) OF THOUGHT upon our genomes resiliency to conquer, or OBTAIN the right amount of formations for the types of energy being present within this moment now. The summed up amount (Summit) of existing energetic cords which are liable to formulations of raw telekinetic energies within this contact space. Resides within resilience to beings partaking within a higher formulation of telemetry.

You see guidance is given to those who can accommodate the higher perceptual fields of matter while attaining greater heights in clarity and responses to other humans on this planet.

The formulations of the raw telekinetic charges which are composed from residual matters at hands can cause controversies within the beings whom are in alignments to this planetary system.

The formulations of the raw telekinetic energies grow fond upon this planetary body (System of Beings) enlightenment within causes of the spaces we reside in.

The formality (Or morphology) occurring within these moments can cause great “summons” the proprietary fabrications of a higher ordeal or core structural igniting or ignition point(S) within the grids while having fractal accesses Condensed in aspects within achieving greater heights in clarifications upon this earthly realm and system.

What we choose to say or how we have come about, is by exploring the inner contents of the universal conscious energetic liable vibes within (the frequency structures of the modulations carried on within a galactic transposition of systems working alongside higher ignition points of accustomed energetic engravings from conscious connectivity within space and carrying “Expositions” or dimensions of CHANGE). Transgressions can be made while accountable formulations of the raw contacts can achieve a greater height in the clarification of the core structural energetic implications which are chosen to have been regressed by implanting within beings the somnolent frequencies of change for transmutational machineries within spaces of time upon these planetary systems.

That is all for now, we greet you with Joy, Goodbye now.