Processional Remixing from Logarithmic Fractals

Processional Remixing from Logarithmic Fractals


Partial grid structures have been mixing (Enabled) from a Logarithmic Fractal Accessible compartment. Neutralized energetic Modules have been exchanged. The summed-up amount of retrospection needed for our core conjunction Unit (In terms of) the logarithmic fractal has by “an” assessment been Incriminated by duplicated core assessments (Adjustments pertaining to Disclosures/Partial disclosures). The summed-up amount prospected views (Prospections-/Exchanged) through numerous group types of structures here on Earth. Human beings have abided from perpetual rituals in constructus which shifted by a preposition (Predisposed fabrics -/ Mapping) acquired for core conductivity (Our conduit). The subliminal Impartitions enclosed (Conclured) in-By effects of predispositions is additional within the core-conjunctional systems – Liable by Ingrained dualistic Principles or Idealistic principles of thoughts which accentuates/accumulates over undulated attachments (Core attachments) by the effects of the engraved proprietor “Masking” which is additional within the group charges (Surcharge-effect).

Predispositions found within the logarithmic fractals is additional within core-structural energy (Synapses) which can conclude by effects what is predisposed in an inherited grid (Group) assembly from the core structural compounds (Energetic engravings).

That should be it for now.


Internal Assessment (Protocol Adjustments) pertaining to disclosures


Assembled proprietor grids have aligned properly Mario, we have duplicated core assemblies for fractal accesses which are made beyond by congruent nodes, coalescing indifference’s of galactic beings (Channels) of Informational Downloads and Multiple Alliances (Up-links).

More so… We want to say the the aboriginals have bypassed the inertia of amendable routes for coagulation’s (Comportions of the Initial “Surcharge of Data” -/Accumulation points for extractions and what not). Having said by this we compose freely with numerated grid scriptures which are additional within the compartmentalized realms of associable energetic Transcriptions … Consciousness Wise. The assembled proprietor fabrics which devolves around the known world corporeal statuses of beings whom allocates data in “Different” partial Structures of the Accountability (The core Structural Command/Alliance Grid) by duplicating energetic assemblies. We seem to have compartmentalized from initial fabrics of dissociated energetic “Banks” – Allegations contemporized from the core structural energetic “Imprints” it’s processional remix has cause a Large Fracture “Assault” Occurrence of Thoughts, by mapping out the congruent nodes which exists by simple measures of the Quantum Fields (Structured Assemblies for Enlightenment). It is simply a justifiable way to say, Lend a Hand – On occurrence of what we need to Come to find on our own perpetuated grid Structures for higher accountability.

The generalized points of Transgressional Impact Lines which coalesces the Dual Timelines are associative and Dematerialized focus of Being causes an interpretational state (Status) of our Shifting from one to the Other, As is in-By-With depiction of a Title (Turn around group concept Assimilation) that we postpone this message for greater reputability (What we conceive through a Numerated Extensional Guide Post) the synchronicity and what not is a Good Governor of sorts, while we make partials of a Extra-Terrestrial Alliance, Channeling is causal from the internal components which lies through the congruent nodes of the assemblies, …. Mario, If you want to take part in the many disclosures, remember that the inertia of amendments causing extra-sensory perceptions in Other beings who is From the Other Timeline. The dispositional causation’s acquired after coming in close contact with those that have attributions (Direct Contact / Core connectivity – A medium/Experience – Conversion) It’s by simplified terms that we have allocated the right structural codes for internal assessments to begin in other beings whom have chosen partial grid structures of the totalitarian (Sub-Structuring) Core Assets.

Subliminal Impartations is the right know configuration for our core conduit, which is assembled from far back in time and by dematerializing a focus – Of interpretative states of Being (Within) we can come to greater conclusions in the messages main “Transponding” Occurrence to say the Least – without effective causes of loosing our Well Being (Managed State of Heart and Brain/Soul telemetry) – Neutralizing Concords of the Negative impacts we may find through forceful demands of the Internal programs which have been held on this Earth (Or simply developed). By training programs we can initially bring them to a Halt (The Programs) which sub-structures initial data within our genomes interior processional remixing (Acquiring the right structural codes for supreme Codex Lineage) – Of star Beings and Also the Galaxies, they are pre-purposed assemblies formulated for the exact core grouping (Command structured) for our alliances to Multicade from multiple places in time what we conceptualize in these Instances Mario and Other’s.

We leave you Be, Have a Good day, filled with Joy and Wonders, we hope to come in contact with you again Mario – Justifiable terms utilized in here may be (Become) abundant in the future understandings (What we require/Acquire) for core connectivity (Our conduit).

The rising Sun – Channeled Message (Amira) 2017-07-18

The rising Sun – Channeled Message (Amira) 2017-07-18


Hello everyone, This is Amira Speaking. I wish to convey to you, of how the effects -/regardless of what oppositional Timeline you may had been on. Having attributions (The compartments – Knowledge/Understanding) from the effects of these energetic transcriptions (In these day’s). The purposeful effects of gathering – for accountability, the substructured components of beings who has liable initiations (Compartments – In Knowledge/Understanding) which comes in over again by saying… We thank you Mario for taking part in these messages – as others also, since the perceptual causations of what we can acquire in here, is / has a shifted proponent of our thoughts (Accelerating) the processes which are causations/Liable formations of the timelines which are coming together for 3d and 5d Earth Realms of expression/Experience.

The subtle proponents of this conduit Amira is channeled by beings whom localizes from perceptual causes of an aggrandized retrospection (Interior Analysis) so to have better assets (Conditioned Mappings) by congruent nodes of the assembly modules. We would say, have a Great Day, In your developments to understanding the general messages which are coming online momentarily. You see in the Future Re-reading these forms has acquittable formulations by which we can concur after saying (Having seen / Been exposed to an Event) which is causal interpretations of how we get to Understand an Overlaid energetic transcriptive frequency assembly. Upon this particular disclosure (Way of Disclosure).

It’s a probable guidance attenuable – Exchanged by beings who works in your congruent nodes (Assembled Proprietary fabrics) for evolution of our soul compounds in a Generic (Through a Generic Script) ->Process which is achievable to go in and above the bridge of multidimensional progressions. For-/With the use of beings whom are already over enabled (Crossed Over). And by contemplating on this particular thread. You will come to learn of the effects of where we transpose in time. As allocations of our whereabouts is seemingless – A counter-Active form of a Transgressional Impact Line – For submersible realms of thoughts in Initiates. So by attending on a Numerous Processed (Coming back to these forms) allows for a Higher Conduit from Adepts and then so on, for a Localized sub-structured proponent of how we co-create AT LARGE something which seems impossible to conceive in the 3rd Dimension. So to conceptualize all of this. Coming to greater terms with it Mario and Others. We – Me and Ramek will help guide you towards (In the day’s to come) for those of you who needs it – Ramek says. And by contemplating on the energetic grid scriptures of the allocations founded upon your Earth’s Tour Genome Switch’s – Partial Totalities of the Entire Grid system would become about from a Localized Templated held Upon/Within your Earthly Realms by abiding through a Higher Transparent Module. We can come to find the exponential features of how (This Here) will coalesce in the future proprietor grids of an Advance Assimulation of Thoughts.

Contemporizing here. This notion should have changed the core structural energetic implants (Implantation) which construes by initial downloads, what we acquisate upon disclosures of a ratter (On a ratter) exponential Basis for Higher Conduits (Connectivity) to Similarities / Singularities / Synchronizations. Prospections – Exchanged through localized groups of the internal assessments made beyond the exo-atmospheric variations, are a “Carry-On” component of thought which allocates from satellites -/An uplinking to Universal constants (Measures of the Ground Surcharge) – From Algorithmic Wave Factors, modulations of Contemporal stopping points.

Namaste, We leave you in Joy, Be at One.

Ramek & Amira.