Hello everyone, This is the collective of Melchizedek

Hello everyone, This is the collective of Melchizedek. We come in Peace regarding the statuses of the energies we emit on out. The portending changes of the right assimulations for a higher rounded up effect (Group Charge Effect) Conditions, property of individuals whom are having (Making remarks) upon this channeled material. We simply want to let you Know and Understand that the basic fractal activity (Activism) concerning by the effects of our transcriptors (In this Case Mario is one of them) there is many Liable formulas for you to come in concerto with in the near future, Beings. We coalesce with indifference meaning the proprietor statuses or Strature of Beings whom may have been making or having remarks upon this channeled material. We say simply to let yourselves understand a higher opportunity for your well being (In times) with disclosures which may happen on This Earth.

We are surrounding your earthly realms in times, we come for the betterment in these days. There is a surplexed process happening concerning the effects of the modulations carried on forth by initiations into higher openings (Apertures of Interior Light Modules) which excravates into the potential psyche of folks who do have conversion with your paths. In any case (In this instance) there is great problematic views concerning how this may be the cause (Plause or Possibility). We have changed / Transgressed into partial structures of the advance assembly modules found here because of the ships. We are one collective connected to many others around this planet. As we watch over the human race we come to better terms (And Understandings) Concerning what these messages may bring forth to you the readers. And in time by seeding the consciousness of folks whom are capable to uphold the generalizations carried upon within here. There is a message out there concerning the effects of our collectives (Being the Ships). Do query on in your psyche (Heads/Minds – Body, soul Complexes) because we are capable to monitor group changes in the accessible compartments of the intelligence (Knowledge) which is disposed of in here (On this web site).

There are many cases on your Earth (Planet Earth – Gaia) which concerns by the effects of our transgressions or channeled material. That by the effects of our transcriptors, the energetic modules which are attached to these words (Messages) can come to greater conclusions within time of Achieving a Greater Clarity in the Purpose of your souls transmissions. Day in and Day out. There is a Probabilistic Matter of Attenuation where in times we had gathered momentum for a larger recession of choices through energies which are mounted as (An off) from the Cosmological Imprints of beings whom adapts towards greater amenable life charts in exo-Spheres of Space and Consciousness. Regardless this being, Having effects of a Grand Monumental change(s) in the galactic spaces (Confines) of our generalizations carried upon within these moments (From your time reading). And so on… Without further constructus of what is being achieved. It is with great care that we have perpetuated partial mistakes (Encodings / Codings) into the subliminal minds of folks without faults… Meaning, being that by the effects of large underground projects which may have been ongoing concerning the Right and Wrong things to do (The what not’s). There has been great probabilistic analysis concerning the usage of technologies which exists down below your surface. In deep underground Complexes. Being the summed up amount of prospections found through correlations of ships and technological entities as biological an extraterrestrial in nature with humans. Have parcourred in enormous projects concerning how we came to be upon this Universe. Having said with probabilities of Utilizing such technologies… See here, there is a way to understand how self replication can be a resourceful companion if you choose a secure route. Being the escape route from disaster in many cases. Without the known understandings or knowledge of beings who where capable to uphold the very Intrinsic (Intrusive) amounts of Coding (Being the Galactic Conscious Implementation of Source Codes) into this Universal Model in which we exists in as physical and non – Physical beings. There is a problematic view through transcription of the self replicated Universe (Gained from Cosmological processions concerning around the Equinoxes) on your Planet. The viewable features (Noticeable Should I say) that it is possible to manage a higher extensional form of being through the cosmological universe by adapting to a Higher Intelligent force which is accumulated through a Oneness (As one example of the trunifications caused by Exodus) being the effects of transporting matter to another dimension. We carry on charge (Electric Particles – Currents) which exchieves by an enormous group of folks around this milky way galaxy. You see by the constructs of channeling information as this. It is without greater faults or Should we say, Greater care that your Lives Purposes have been rerouted to a type of simulation yes? It is a partial structure of an advance assistance by coming from off-worlders, in the past and from the future (This Moment) is known to affect the temperature of the Earth. The climate, and also the anomalous understandings achieved through conscious exploration into other diverse realms of creation. We have but one truth to Enable a Higher standard of choice by which humans have accumulated the right grid tracks (Portals to Ascension) which have come about by decisions of the Galactic (The Supreme Creator) being a being who has capabilities to Exorsistate an existential amount of energy through Megaliths. The portals and ley lines upon this planet with the sun’s corona. There is but one of many truths hidden from our true origins of choices by which interior earth people (Inner Earth Folks) have found how to accentuate upon an undisclosed area around the galaxy which is proposed to folks whom may be capable to get there by choosing (Reading on out) with their abilities. These words.

Namaste, This should be all for now, we leave you in Joy. Until Next Time.

This has been the collective of Melchizedek.

To whomever this may be for…

Hollow deck Individuals, having perceived the notions of our directives please stand by.

Acknowledging us in times of need has great partials to the totality of emissions send on out throughout space the cosmos… And beyond. We wish to tell you the collective of malchivideck that there is a probability a Probabilistic Placing inquired upon from Cosmoses. Indeed we are glad to help you maintain the structural compound of the energetic transcripts channeling. so we will give this reasons to help you see on out further what you cant find in here.

Connections Manifest Audience


Hello dear Friends, I want to say to you today, how I love and adore you all very much. It is greatly appreciated in the ways in which we make things work on this planet. That there is many new findings and opportunities to learn and come to find and know about something through good research. So, without further ado, I will let the Hangchoo collective Speak. 

Yes Mario, hello everyone, we are very pleased with the energies coming in today. There are particular features rendered within this message that is composed for our well doing (Being) the messengers around the world who connects in onto and without the effects of our modulated core extractions. Which are the exact points in times which we ascend and descent into an on out from our realms to yours. As it seems there is particular faults in the timelines which have existed upon your earth. We devised better accords for your agents around the globe to help people in finding their truths with great care in what we do as beings (A collective) working around in the energetic grids of the new earth. And by explanations of this new earth grid, it is exposed to Mario here for specific reasons. One it is truly with remarkable features of the Heart and Brain communion (Connection) that we come to learn and do (Manifest) with greater strength and abilities to do so within to without. As without causations of where we would like to see these messages grow in its current resolution (Audience) we are very please in how this communion has took place. Now we will come back in later years Goodbye. 


Amira, and then Hangchoo – Channeling a Collective

Hi Mario, we wish to say to you today, that there is a Large resumption of Energies, Being Interplayed on your Earth (In your Atmospheres) and on other Spaces in your Local Cluster.

There is but one problem in which we need to solve.

Me: What may this Problem be? 

Amira: Yes Mario, this problem is less of something to solve, rather it serves the whole, Unity as One Formation (Formulation) of planets in your Galaxy and Portending changes accumulated at this juncture…

?: We have surplexed Emotions for your Receptions Mario and Other’s, Please do be careful In what is Managed on your Side of the Veil, While we experience in the Higher Ops (Being the Operations) as Group souls and Collectives, which you may do (Have work) with in the day’s to come and so forth… Our representations are not in good conclusion towards what we are meaning (Meant to say something about my surroundings)… Please do, put your attention on what is being (arriving) consciously by us.

You will Implement greater clarifications for your audience in times… When it is ripe.

By allowing yourselves to go on about in different experiences (Of Existences) from Perceptual Realities. We want to say that there is great hope in things that you do (We do) as a Collective of Beings or Souls in other realms and dimensions. We hope that you Understand that these messages are by far, Exceeding precedential measures of your accumulated Karmic Relations, and this can bring about greater or clearer insights into what we purposefully want to accomplish (Through you and others) by means of seeding this consciousness on this Earth.

We welcome all into these energies, as the accumulated fractals which happens should become greater after the residual effects of our transparency. Brings forth a Higher Opening for your Resurrection into a Higher Realm of existence. Being the Way of Life, willing and capable beings whom channels our energies. We are the collective of Hangchoo. You may call us by this name as exposed here… Now to come to greater clarity… My representative will allow for the end of this message.

Thank you Hangchoo, we may bless these energies with the creative energies formulated for our ground expressions on this Earth (Planet Earth/Gaia). 

Namaste, all is Well. 

Them: All is well Indeed.