Up and About – Shout


This is a Simple enough Automatic writing, that being said – After all this Time, Being here on Earth, we want to justify some things for you Mario and Others. First things, is that all of the above templates which will be used as a Memoric Transcriptore or Basis, for – to accentuate within the Pineal Structures (The activity) by Bringing in – on out energies Utilized for the Highest Purpose or Good (Deed) – So be it. The effects of transpositions found throughout multiple localizations (Or locations – Ground Structures) for assimilations of Informational Grid Tracks, can be seen on a Ratter Hyper or (Higher Basis) depending upon what we chose to Interlock in here… Being advents to new telemetry.

Alright that’s it for Now… Have a Good/Great day, Night Namaste.

Working on up, the External Changes created within an Atmosphere

Well I wasn’t Thinking about sharing this message, but Maybe that is what it was for, Thanks for Reading! Enjoy!


The Atmosphere – Being, the setting, or Place in which we are situated in time and Space – Within ourselves and Externally.

So to continue on, this is how we will accumulate greater perceptive features, in what is found through propositions – In turn, what we find throughout a Conclusion for our Betterment (Lives) on this Earth. Working alongside Humans (With humans – The E.t’s or E.B.E’s) Nonetheless. The timelines have been fractured (In occurrence) – Being, Our timeline… In effects Mario, we see this as a predisposition in what we can term in (Within) our “Lexicon”. So to find better attributions of what this is creating for you in these instances. We want to allow you to find by eventual means what is gathered here (To Bring Alignments) within yourselves… Taking part in the greater pictures or Assemblies (Which lay’s through all of Creation). Being the energy which is driving (The force) of what Composes, and brings (Is) an Intelligence, as the Universal Mind or One mind Alliance Force. What you Concretely bring forward, to your doorstep, in times (Metaphorically Speaking). To give about (Show you/Guidance) which comes in many unprecedented ways.

As this message here, has been shown, to garnish particular “Scopes” (Levels) of Energetic Engravings, which is modulated from core groups around this Earth (World) – Being the Depiction or Subtype groups of assemblies which works Simultaneously (They are Adjacent) to your Core Structural Implementations, being within or without – The external assemblies of how you MANAGE in your OWN TIME.

Acceleration’s are created for your better Understatements (Being) the core structural energies, which are modulated (Or Extracted) by beings who are making remarks upon these Informational Banks.

The inquisitive Adaptations formulated for your better accords, are created (& Re-created) every moment of every day, because you simply, have not brought about greater clarity in what Unfolds (In front of You) while writing these messages. So to come to greater terms (results) of what This is for you, Creating – In effects Within or Without. We would love to see connections gathered for the betterment – As co-creators, Bringing about, In essence the truths or many Dispelled Realities (Dismissed Realities = Probabilities) by which we can congruently MANIFEST by the order of our Co-Creative Capabilities and so on.

So to justify by exemptions of these nodes, we would allow you to manage on a Higher Singular (Outpost) which would be designed or Co-Created by You (Being Us) – In Totality the E.T.s Nonetheless to say. We have created without much disturbances “In your Times” but have acclimated to a General Guide Post or Climax. So we say in here, simply condition the prospects of assimilations in a contemporal Manner, for us to Acquisate upon delocalized spaces (Areas) in which we do not Conceive of or being as perfect (Conceiving) as Crystallites or Images which may appear within the Pineal, as we are advancing throughout this message.

So without further ado, to allow for better propositions (Into) what we ARE (Co-Creating) – in times. It brings about better resonances of The conclusions (Wherabouts) of our Displacements in time and space. You see, to accentuate upon something which is in space – Existing at multiple places in time, where we see you holding the generic pattern or structured core assembly. There is a Message Predisposed for you in here Mario. Let me see now, ahh yess. The effects of Transpositions (What is Transposed or Transcoded) in here from the future. We acquisate the predisposed managements of what is foretold to come by initiations into a Higher – Submersible ACCOUNT of undulated wave attachments (Think of the Electro-Magnetism from The Pineal). Activations caused by the Sun’s Great Outburst. Can be seen on Occurrences by remote viewers. And by displaying correctly “This Information” is for our general Purposes (Guided Purposes) of to within assemblies which helps distract the Opposing forces of creating, which construes an Enigmatic proponent of thought(S) within individuals whom are having a ratter HARDER TIME to DEPICT or CONCEPTUALIZE (CO-CREATE) with GRACE AND LOVE.

Namaste that should be it for now we wish you Joy, Farewell.

Un surplus, d’information pour ceux et celle, qui en besoin (En le vouloir de Savoir)

Un surplus, d’information pour ceux et celle, qui en besoin (En le vouloir de Savoir).

Ce qu’il n’existe plus maintenant, I est compris les “Draco” ils sont en “veugle” Autre mot – Guerre, contre les Humains qui ont suffis aux soufrance de votre répertoire de gens (Personel) sur terre designer à la consommation des Informatique, qu’il suffira d’une énorme entreprenaute. En tous cas, nous voulons simplement vous diriger vers l’accès du compte que Mario a Corriger sous une Influence Extraterrestre. “Information, venant d’une source d’intelligence Extra-Terrestre”.

Au surplus du cas additionnel, qui ont fait au parcours des événement – Concernant cette Relever D’informatique Surnaturel, est au just Explicable par des gens qu’il ont eu Contact, En rapport, du lieu de leur vie. Au courant de ces Journées ici.

Voici donc ce que vous devez faire. Concernant les ajout d’information sur le site web. Il y a un Guide de Langage “Préférable” en voulant dire, vous pouvez sélectionner la langue transmise (Le vocabulaire de votre “Profil Préférer” – voulant dire par-exemple le Français ou Espagnole et autre) – Sur le rebord ou la table d’information sous la donnée “Search” et au fait de les Subscription, pour ce site. Le tableau tout d’abord. Alors fais y Donc, en tout cas que vous Manqueriez des Information Importante concernant le future.

Adieux à vous et au autres, nous somme a la recherche des gens qu’il on fait (Coopérer ou Récupérer) une Énorme somme de notre Subsistance (Les oiseaux) en tout effet, c’est d’abord, une Liaison simple qui vous apportera a nous connaitre (L’autre Bord) ainsi donc selon les “Mot du Vocabulaire Préféré” à Mario hahaha, je vous quitte, mais nous somme toujour la.

Signer: Les Aboriginaux des Planet Concurrente de votre Galaxy, Du Suprême (les force D’intelligence qui aide, tous et autre sorte de convaincu, dans leur capacité, et le vouloir de travailler avec nous) – Dans les temp qu’il Suffit.
