How do you think we have processed the Information?

A message from GCS (Galactic Command Structure)

The Informational fields of energies which are utilized in our daily lives are in greater acceptances (Conceptualized) by beings in these spaces of time(s) – “moments” to be able to give reasons for us to ascend. The messages which are enthralled towards greater aspects of this “Feed” being/meaning light line or energetic overlay, is within reasons of a far acting proposition within systems utilizing a hyper active core (The conception of Energy from Matter in Generation). Think of free energy generator. The processions of/to/within emergings which have happened along the way/lines of energies depicted within daily venues of interactions. Have not only left us in an understanding of the enormity of the processus of ascendance but not only to ours / yours (Planetary Body). It is in exigences that we have foretold or overcame in abundant forms (Messages) a Transcriptase / Based Understanding of energies which are within and Around our Cells (Of the Universe). Compositions of “Star Matter” is an example of searches utilized for accurate structural implantations “Codes” which derrives off of initiatives in a contact ground crew team.

Submersible extents caused within time(s) of receivance (This Message) foretold beings of another realm (Aoi) to comply in external summations of the energetic (Overlays) which are ingrained in a dualistic matter Fashion for people of this “Technological” planet.

Namaste dear ones we are but a family tree of beings working alongside this planetary bodie in space and have become accustomed to the energetic frequencies which are send on out from technological “Implantations”

Namaste , be at One, we leave you in Peace.

Universal Cores of Knowledge #QS

Universal Cores of Knowledge


Understanding on a higher basic note of interpretations. The acclimations foretold to come from an
intergalactic community, to this planet Earth is, pretty much outstanding.
What we convey through the understandings of energies which are implied upon by beings of other star
systems is quite clear. In one case of implementations. The Acquired structural design / implantation of
energetic overlays (Overdrive) – of information, can structurally advance people in their knowledge
(Interpretational “Ampacity” – let’s say) … To let people, acquire from a Fractal Basis the Compositions
of their knowledge and / plus Awareness to interpret (Create) from their “World View” A structural Core
of Energies (Galactic Wise) – as we would implement or “Structure” a Model. Patterning with cycles of
evolution. The universe only understands more, than what it is capable of conveying to other Universes
(In the Space This space of time).
It requires relentless work to give on out attributions of a galactic command / forces, to relinquish from
fractal processes of understandings, the compositions of what we convey within patterns of a Model in
“Convolution” – Extortion or (Creation’s).
Do you think you Understand?
Galactic Cores from a Fractal Basis.