The Mysterious Call

…A While Back…

How do we accept change when there is no possibility in finding the accrue formation or formulations of thoughts which lay unappealing to others or some etc.

Amira? Yes Mario? How do we work the interior templates… To help the population clear all surfacing programs that have been ingrained deeply in the core “structures” of consciousness. Be it, sub conscious or the unconscious collective fields – even?

Amira: Mario, this is Ramek from Agartha speaking with Amira here. There are good precipices for advances which are being made in areas of undisclosed spaces around your galaxy. The held places which are accountable or accounted for… By means of aggravating an assault towards beings of this dimensional space time (overlay of the possibilities) to manipulate or send on out “forms” in energetic packets if you will. To subdue consciously and transfigure the core of the being by running interior and / to exterior programations. There is a lot to find on about by mere decisions alone which takes place in the heart of folks who have transcended all of space and matters which holds them back from an awakened place of view and life.

The terminology for this spectacular mounting of words utilized in this document is becoming more intrinsic then before has it not been since 2015 now? 2016? Ha-ha. We bid you farewell.

The continuum is in our space of resilience.
