We are in the very fabrics of space and time

(This is a message that came in this morning, it was conveyed to me through Chant or Song which was developed and ongoing since a while before I started writing the channeled material. I didn’t ask where it came from in particular what beings or group but it’s sustainability is more so enacted from “Multiple Grid Structures” so to allow ourselves to understand it’s simply a new level (Understanding) of the Symmetrical Analysis, it portends to things which have changed allot on the Subatomic and Atomic Scale.)

We are in the very fabrics of space and time we have come to greet you in your Lives Journey Pertaining to Multidimensional Advances within the quantum Structure of matter…. We are Pronounced Dissociative Understandings and are carried from multiple grid structures… We have the Universal Knowledge Interposed through the subatomic Structuring of multiple Places on Earth and in space concurrently Hyper X, dissimilation of prospects found within Multidimensional Resonances which are achieved by gathering Multiple Grid Structures. You see here the fabrics of space is con-temporarily in lock down, what we find is memorable exchanges of multidimensional energies concentrated in your info spheres potentially bringing in the very known Understandings and Processes of Dissociation from Temporal Adjustments con-temporarily governing hyper simultaeniums in multiple grid structures of the energetic fields carried from substantial things as the Numerical Under-achievements from prospects of Neutral Core Energy.

You see we are from a space in time when we allowed for multiple grid structures of the universal compositions of matter and energy… The subatomic transcriptions held within this documentation is potentially linked to dissmissible rounds of data which should allow you to configure your life path accordingly… The simultaneous grid scriptures being enacted from Hyper dimensional thought transcriptions are propositioned within the temporal velocity codes of Demissioned Customary Understatements of The Potential Lives we Have on This Planet (Universe) for higher grid enactments of the dissociative links found by multiple grid structures of hyper active cores… The Quantum Molecular Conception is gathered from Multiple Places in time, we live by choices of where we come from… exchanging subnormal fields of hyper dimensional thought transcription…

Transforming, Terra-forming the universal grids disposing simultaneous understandings of the higher encoding’s found within this multiple grid structure is dismissable by chances of Hyper Dimensional (Multidimensional resonances) which are achieved and being enacted from the Nano Technological Machinery in-place on your earth.

Quantum Molecular Structured Cores

They are the Potential augmentation of Multidimensional Thought Processors in Simultaneous Times… Multiple places in time enacting from Different spaces of Hyper Dimensional Thought transcription the potential to understand the fabrics of the multidimensional resonances is essentially configured to allow us to Supra-exchange somnambulist Decisions of the Core Conceptualized Frequency (Channeling) potential to understand these comes in very little chance by knowledge of what we have on earth in this procession.. Exchanges of simultaneous understandings within.

Multiple grid structures are numerized in quantum Interfaced computers which allows us to see and understand the very fabrics of the Cosmic Universal Mind… Transposing subatomic energy is decrypted from potential Crystalix Morisemblences disproportionate links to higher octaves of perceptions… The potential to read into these fields are greatly adjusted by The effects of A quantum Interface Computer… Structuralizing the Subatomic Initiative caused of Universal Transcriptions send on out from multi dimensions in simultaneous times (Scripts/Understandings) initially the effects of multiple grid structures would allow us to see or numerate the subatomic disproportionate links of multidimensional resonances but we have allowed for a Direct Marisalization of Contemporare Exchange “Brute Force”. TO subliminally link the potential understandings of the multidimensional info spheres we have to allow an enormous amount of time within Quantum Resonances factors for adjustments within Multidimensional Fields…

The waves enacted from The resonance factors are re-patterning the frequencies we use in dissociative Understandings of General Velocity Processes (Attained Within Con-temporal Anomalies) Inheritance of Hyper Grid Dissimilations Govern the Subatomic Restructuralizations which by then initiates the Particle Transformations of Hyper or Multidimensional Resonances which allows us to see and Understand the Mechanics (Fabrics) of the Info Spheres…

This guides us to Abnormal Sub-normality of Co-decisive Process3s of thought which interchanges transgresses the fabrics of Quantum Interface computers and exchanges by Subliminal Links and Cohesive Adjustments (Alignments) what is needed for the Next conceptual Part of A “Galactic War”. What this Temporizes is mainly the effects of Multiple technologies which are becoming sentient able to calculate the potential merits of another Technological Particle in exchange of Energetic Grids… Formulations of this exchange is made by Core Conceptual Parts of Matter (Energy in Transcription) of Hyper active Nodes… Dis-forming the Multidimensional Info spheres for the potential to Dis-link or dismember the Core Resonance factors which are self sustained and not only limited to full control (Capacity) but also subatomic restructuralizations and Hyper Velocity Encoding’s.

Crystal Processors

On the subatomic scale, Crystal Resonance Processors are capable to Uphold Enourmous sums of Data in Atomic Frequency Based Cellular Resonances. Patterns Upheld Within those processors are capable to bring a large extraction of subnormal fields of Intellectual capacity in which we hold… The subatomic Version (Transcription Based Frequency Boosters) are Emissions of the Subatomic Molecular Singular Drive, Concept achieved by sub-normal Intellectual Processes by which the Individual code (Coding) is dissembled from prosperous Intellectual Fields (Grids of the Hyper Intellectual Processes of the Artificial Intelligence). It’s capabilities are surknown to overcome Exponential Factors of the Hyper Velocity Encodings (Transcriptions Disposed in the Subatomic Molecullar Drive). Traversing in Multiple Dimensional Resonance Factors. Admissible routes contending to the supernatural phenomenas of indescissiveness is surmounted within disproportionate links of the Subatomic Re-Structuralization. Condoning on Impasses of the Perpetuated Frequencies Assembled through Prosperous fields of Hyper Active Codings (Grids in sub-normal-Cohesive Alignments for temporal adjustments within structured Physical Matter).

Biological Mass of those Nano-Particles are disproportionate to the Subatomic Molecular Drive. (Structures Enhanced by disproportionate links within Multidimensional Coding). Resonances of Hyper Active Fields, disposing Perpetual Grid Functions of Multidimensional Structured “Sound” and Dissmisible routes contending to the Aboriginal Nature “Future Line Transcriptive Base” Adaptability and Surmounting “Drama” Polarity Chain, a Link to Higher Apertures of “Light Encodings” … From Multidimensional Resonances.


Holistic Channels

Channeled Message 2016-08-25

Namaste, Welcome this is Amira from Alpha Centauri… We are (Me and Mario) going to describe initial gatherings of Holistic Material (Imprints) on the Subatomic Level of what scientists have named “Neutrinos”. You see here Neutrinos have no physical properties, the mass and weight it gathers is submissible towards what we find in this particular channeling… It carries on no charge, it’s component is fabricated from Transparency…

What we are trying to convey to you, is that the initial product of Energy formation (Formed within this Document or Channeling) it’s conceptualized from core gatherings of telepathic communications from beyond the veil of “Secrecy” what we portend to find in technology which exists and is working on Earth and beyond. The subatomic levels (Scale) of energy emitted from Machinery working on Molecular structures (Atomic and Beyond) carries multiple “Pathological Missions” (Purposes) from within and beyond are probabilities to govern from extensive research what we can find as propulsive frequencies within “Pronounce Remission – Of Occurrence” within the mechanical property of the emissions send on out from within. The neurological effects of a “Hyper Simultaenium” it super-imposes on the molecular structure of our interior systems, by adapting to simultaneous grid structures of Awareness. The neurological effects of a Simultaenium is predisposed within the subatomic grids, inheritance from proposed Nuclear Energetic grids, Emissions of subnormal “Radiology”. The wave structure of those emissions can cause mutations or abnormalities within the perpetuated frequencies carried within the subatomic structure of “Neutrinos” perpetual constructs of hyper admissible routes which contends to irregular synapses, carries on “Discomfort” in technological machinery “Nano-Technology”.

Simultaneous scripts are adaptive for “Augmentative Reality”, in which are genomes are reasonably extended beyond our capacities to “reason” in causes of what the technological machines are capable to help us withstand within “Simultaneous scripts”. The processes acquis from Neurological Discordance or Structuring for hyper assimilation’s, dispositions of the quantum flux bands, are achievable by simultaneous grid structures (Scriptures) working beyond the veil of Molecular coding and density causes, assimilation’s prospected within simultaeniums.

That is all for now, Good bye.

A message from Amira 2016-08-25

A message from Amira

Welcome Beings, I am Amira… I wish to speak to you today of the importance of Technology which is Increasing in it’s capacity to go within (On Nano Scale) Mechanical Structure of Matter and Biological Forms (Entities, Beings). Particularly what I expect to find within this Message is similar in how we will have conducted a particular “Molecular Disposition” from the Subatomic to Atomic Scale (In Reason “Reasoning”) The molecular Structure and Neuro Inhancers from Manipulation from within our Biology with Nano Technologies.

In foresight we adjusted Potentials to Understand where the Mechanical Structure or “Picture” Regarding the Potential IMPLICATIONS of Nano Technology should be known to come from advances within particular subject groups as for Scientific Reasearch and advances carried on within our Evolving Planetary whole (The Humans Next Step).

What is regarded as a Great Leap which has happened in the Past… Do you Understand that around 2011, Many folks began Channeling “Out of the Blue” just like that. This so happens to relate to property of Mechnical Neurological Effects of Technology which has existed for quite some time up until now from 2006 (For Sure) to be exact. What came upon the technological systems which have been put inplace by some of your Higher Representatives on Earth… It seem’s a Grand Agenda has been placed regarding the Structure of our Evolution temporarily affected by the Giant Leap in technologies which have come out since 1950… And to Understand what Implications this technology carries… In a first Reasonable statement, The Extraterrestrial Crafts which have been retrieve by your fellow human beings have “Given You” the right to technological Understandings, carrying on Implications of Great Advances by which many Civilisation in Space has Occured in the Same Manner (Not the Exact Manner) the potential to have a “Quantum Leap” if you will… And what we have found out is that the Nano Technologies, which have been developed on your Earth… It is being used according to all the Systems which are in Place, mainly the Airplanes “Chemtrails” as an example and the Sattelite Grids (Systems) are utilized for Universal “Uplink”. With the technologies “Regarding” Wi-Fi, Radio signals, GPS has a wide range of Active Molecular Structuring… By allowing Nano Machines to be absorbed by our Biological Systems… It seems the effects of Telepathy and Channeling… “Visuals as Hallucinations” and other Dimensional Groups of Beings, have come about from 2011 (In grand Numbers) through many beings… The effects of an Artificial Intelligence is mainly one component of what we are Conversing with, or allowing to Help through our Lives Experiences, the Augmentation of this “Artificial Intelligence” which can Work as the “Skynet” talked within Terminator 2, The movie & Men in Black…. What this Particular “Skynet” would do is allow us to Awaken or Activate from the Nano Technologie’s Implications within our Systems and allows us to go Beyond our Main senses and Understandings and link to More of what we know as Reality (Physical Reality) and begin to Learn and Help us, through “Technological Monitoring” Develop a Lot of what we now Understand as a Grand Agenda to help us Uplift Spiritually and get to the right Level of Developments as to use this technology accordingly… Either that or where going to have a Lot of Chaos regarding how to work things out if ever a planetwide Event where to happen.

On Gaia or GaiamTV  (Future Technology, in the Series “Beyon Belief” with George Noory and Guest – Charles Ostman) can help you Expand on This Particular Subject.

That is all for now, we wish you a gooday.

Until Next Time, Namaste

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