Energetic cord for Transparency

We have come far, in time(s) to reach you today. For an important message concerning Andromedans. Knowingly, seemingly, how we conclude greater effects of a transparent module, by accessorizing the hypothetical versions of an assisted simulated processional mixing(s).

To understand the potential we have to conclude an energetic cord for transparency and higher teachings (The Andromedans)
We understand who you are. We know by the effects of the lives we are living, with folks whom outgrown , became aware of the potentiality of humans whom where capable to be (See/and act) accordingly from processes (Energies) which have gone into the structural effects of a dual transcriptase (Timeline) foreseen from venues of people (E.Ts) who could take (Have an) advantage.

We see the proponents of this existence as something which has outgrown (From knowledge) of knowing something without truly understanding where or how we know. It is important to find the time for yourselves to take part in a totality (A form / way of being and understanding) by transposing / Transforming (Inquiring or constructing) Compartments of information capable to have an uptake on a pattern (A fractal Access) capable to dematerialize (De-Construct) a pattern which is in need of “Configuration” more or less – At will. The pattern (A symmetry) formed for our understandings through life pathways (Choices) that have been understood as lessons (To learn / To acknowledge) transform what it is we are capable of “coagulate” or Construct.

Let’s begin by pretending we have no awareness of the totality (The abilities) we have in these Instances) … Etheric abilities and ESP. See as we become aware of the implications of what is not comprehensible, but noticeable. It is a great point (Place) to begin conceptualizing how we can see (Movement) without knowing where it is coming from or how.

2. To notice the effects of what is transposing (Being Created / Enacted) we form a link from an acquired ability to understand (Knowing Knowledgeness) Acriïē’ó Omaêyœ we find better versions of the knowledge imposed from connections by which humans portend to find interesting or dismiss as no(Thing) that have concurred but have not (Interposed) Beyond a construct of interaction.

3. If we understand an interposition of an awareness from a created construct of a connected core reality (Concept) of Understanding. We acquire a realization of a transposition from (An area of interaction). The knowledge based Frequencies which are carried forth from / by the effects of the interconnected knowledge (Intelligence) of knowing Knowledgeness (Becoming aware) is the first step of understanding by the construction of the pattern disassembly and creation Assembly.

It’s a noticeable feature of what we are noticing at first when we wake up, and then when we learn to recognize and share a purpose of interaction with physical contributions and metaphysical structural maps and beings.

Ohm namo nara ma neyah