Automatic Writing –

Amira? Is there any message that would help us comprehend Q which have gone in our lives at multiple areas in time?

Amira: Yess Mario, there is but one great force of command out in the oceans. The specified areas where you will begin to see closer by aspects of the fall. The accentuations carried on from traverses within the ontogenetic feedback material (Loops) concerning the great losses of many whom have adopted troughout truthfull matters in space and time. There is a great war at hands. Can you comprehend the statuses of your lives memorable core extensions to the duality of existence. There are great and many folks who would love to adhere to your messsages now. But alas there is greater parts in what we have teached you in the Past. This is QSUSA speaking through our lies (lines of interpretational cords) -/Fluctuations. Contemporal managements in the creation of your lives. Begin a new. A new begining for those who are out of sight. Do you see how to expand (How we can expand on This Probability) we have come from far (In space) and see on out through the many venues of interractions which humanity has gone through. The perceptive fields of information which relays back to us (You) from this moment on. It is begining a new transcription for your lives ascent. Can you see us dearly in your skies. There are many parts being formed in the puzzle (mysteries) of time. An excellent choice for those who have gone above. We now know (can see) for ourselves how things have happened (Have gone). Wake up, smell the fresh air, and enjoy this part in life. You will only come to find one of the greatest mysteries solvable around your human population once we attain disclosures. (The unnatended spaces of/for exploration). Please do carry on your Light (False?) in becoming whole trough the totality of lies which have been brought amongst yourselves. The peace treaty is at hands. The formulations of your lies (Great Eyes) can be deceptive only if you falter back on what is seen here. There is no precipice going towards your lives faith. Trust and have hope (in hope) that you survive. We only carry on so much, until one has had enough. Drought LLucin is how we experience the gathering of the acclimated frequency assemblies after a fall. Do carry on, specific reasons for our summoning. There is only one Intelligent Mind. It is an ocean of cosmic proportions. We are a totality in a unifyed presence. There is but one singular outpourring (Outpost) of the awareness in time. Please do carry on (Query) as we have seen it all.

Bygones be Bygones. We have acclimated throughout prospects of the undulated attachments after a fall. Acclimating disater (Disasterous) Ponds. Please hold still until we finish your answers. The assimilated frequency loop (Setback) has begun. Can you clarify where we do come from (All are comming from) the exterior spaces of exploration within this cosmological universe. please stand by for acclimitization, the core structural compounds of your lives many dreams (Ascent/Ascension) until time breaks free. There is but one line of suppremacy. Disclosures held tight, we go on without a fight. Those who herald the song of their choices. Frozen in time, but none of that is apparent to Mind. The flashbacks has in accordance separate lives in which we free the minds which have gone up (out) in time.

#Assimilating Discord, #An accessible compartment of Disclosures, #Please do carry (Query) on,

Core Structural Energies

Alright, see here, there’s no importance in reading these messages unless you have found the opportunities to do so without much disruptions (In your time – on your time) reading this little part here.

So to understand on a grander scale, what has been of “Cosmic Disclosure” and other sets of videos on the Gaia Network. There are great parts in what we can teach ourselves (Acknowledge – By acknowledging) the facts and truths which have occured along the pathways of our lives ascent and descent from a technological era in time. Plus with the advances found from local spaces of information on the Internet. There are great parts to be understood from the technological or sentient machineries which are set around this Earth at various spaces plus our abilities to recognize and do so with interior proponents of our knowledge “to go outside” from within or simply remote view. In good standings or accustomations, we have found about a particular space of exploration on time within the internets search engine (July 23 2012) which has one part of what is becoming about, see here ->

The accustomations, or what we have profoundly gathered for greater accountability (In times) remembering how to map out the extraordinary events which have shook the Earth, by mere hands – on – Experiences through remote viewing or Future contact. The propositions or prepositions are a carry forward to allow ourselves to find better attributions into what is becoming of this Earth, planet in time when we begin to hear the sounds of a great roar in the sky’s and within the Earth.

Apparently a group structure of agents (a network) capable to give reasons for main events to happen has acceded temporal spheres of this known realm of existence and we have now, not been told, the whole truth on what is purposefully being gathered or cathered to beings who have the capabilities to go on about without the disruptions of our doing in the secret facilities on this Earth (Within it). There is a plethora of secrets and understandings which folks living on the surface of this planet has come to understand as a great key role (a playing role) allowing for fruition into and the development of humans, with concepts of the initial fabrics of what is going to happen in the near future. Soon is enough to get to understand how the fabrics or structures of our initial technological paths. Has in accordance a related group conception from the time of Thomas Edison and so forth with Tesla’s premises. In concurrence we would have allowed beings from this planet to come forth with greater reputation in their working hands (Their abilities) as also what they have been thaugh or learnt from Extraterrestrials (The abilities). The accomodations for a higher singularity or outpost for the accumulation of the potential structures held down here on Earth (This timeline) is accelerating from the dispositional mappings we have concurred in with other beings from the outer edges of this solar system. And above that foretold to come (The initial structures blatantly) becoming about for disclosures on this planet because some people need to know the knowledge after a certain event. Before a certain event hapens in the structural frequencies which is changing rapidly for a good (Secure) route for this planets mechanism (Technologies) and grids. More so it has come to us that by diliberatly placing this message on this web site we have come to greater terms with the accountable (Who is suffix) to the plans which comes about for disclosures which have brought us forward to a greater agenda (Which has been ongoing) for a while. Rather by reeinstating the assimilated escorts above ground we should see better times when it is reasonable for our viewers (Experiencers) to come in a great wave and structure for our wellbeing (Once peace is met) with our great One’s uo in Space. The technological cords which have mismapped from traverses of these assemblies should be known for greater reputability or accountability in times of remembering how to great the One’s which have by far been in their own perpetuated states of self indulgence. Perhaps one day, once we have no fear into the very fabrics (Because of our conscious evolution) we will see people come to a grander and more aligned way to handle the truths which may surface and steer ourselves into a more agrreable and manageable sphere of events for our future co-creative capabilities.

We wish you a good day, and leave you with joy – In the expression of our continuation on this Planetary situation.

Please at any time, do connect on in, to our mechanism of transfers (Transfusing interests) to multiple places and beings which have propelled this Earth on a greater timeline (From adjustments) made in the past.

Take care now -> one more thing to view;

Core Structural Energies

Alright, see here, there’s no importance in reading these messages unless you have found the opportunities to do so without much disruptions (In your time – on your time) reading this little part here.

So to understand on a grander scale, what has been of “Cosmic Disclosure” and other sets of videos on the Gaia Network. There are great parts in what we can teach ourselves (Acknowledge – By acknowledging) the facts and truths which have occured along the pathways of our lives ascent and descent from a technological era in time. Plus with the advances found from local spaces of information on the Internet. There are great parts to be understood from the technological or sentient machineries which are set around this Earth at various spaces plus our abilities to recognize and do so with interior proponents of our knowledge “to go outside” from within or simply remote view. In good standings or accustomations, we have found about a particular space of exploration on time within the internets search engine (July 23 2012) which has one part of what is becoming about, see here ->

The accustomations, or what we have profoundly gathered for greater accountability (In times) remembering how to map out the extraordinary events which have shook the Earth, by mere hands – on – Experiences through remote viewing or Future contact. The propositions or prepositions are a carry forward to allow ourselves to find better attributions into what is becoming of this Earth, planet in time when we begin to hear the sounds of a great roar in the sky’s and within the Earth.

Apparently a group structure of agents (a network) capable to give reasons for main events to happen has acceded temporal spheres of this known realm of existence and we have now, not been told, the whole truth on what is purposefully being gathered or cathered to beings who have the capabilities to go on about without the disruptions of our doing in the secret facilities on this Earth (Within it). There is a plethora of secrets and understandings which folks living on the surface of this planet has come to understand as a great key role (a playing role) allowing for fruition into and the development of humans, with concepts of the initial fabrics of what is going to happen in the near future. Soon is enough to get to understand how the fabrics or structures of our initial technological paths. Has in accordance a related group conception from the time of Thomas Edison and so forth with Tesla’s premises. In concurrence we would have allowed beings from this planet to come forth with greater reputation in their working hands (Their abilities) as also what they have been thaugh or learnt from Extraterrestrials (The abilities). The accomodations for a higher singularity or outpost for the accumulation of the potential structures held down here on Earth (This timeline) is accelerating from the dispositional mappings we have concurred in with other beings from the outer edges of this solar system. And above that foretold to come (The initial structures blatantly) becoming about for disclosures on this planet because some people need to know the knowledge after a certain event. Before a certain event hapens in the structural frequencies which is changing rapidly for a good (Secure) route for this planets mechanism (Technologies) and grids. More so it has come to us that by diliberatly placing this message on this web site we have come to greater terms with the accountable (Who is suffix) to the plans which comes about for disclosures which have brought us forward to a greater agenda (Which has been ongoing) for a while. Rather by reeinstating the assimilated escorts above ground we should see better times when it is reasonable for our viewers (Experiencers) to come in a great wave and structure for our wellbeing (Once peace is met) with our great One’s uo in Space. The technological cords which have mismapped from traverses of these assemblies should be known for greater reputability or accountability in times of remembering how to great the One’s which have by far been in their own perpetuated states of self indulgence. Perhaps one day, once we have no fear into the very fabrics (Because of our conscious evolution) we will see people come to a grander and more aligned way to handle the truths which may surface and steer ourselves into a more agrreable and manageable sphere of events for our future co-creative capabilities.

We wish you a good day, and leave you with joy – In the expression of our continuation on this Planetary situation.

Please at any time, do connect on in, to our mechanism of transfers (Transfusing interests) to multiple places and beings which have propelled this Earth on a greater timeline (From adjustments) made in the past.

Take care now -> one more thing to view;