The General Structure of Consciousness


See here, the general structure of consciousness comes from an augmentation of awareness, which re-compiles the effects of ascension through modulations of the energetic cores which attributes in partials or a totalitarian Construct (Map) created from Biogenesis. Different causes of the awareness we (we imply on proper things for the advances which are begining to manifest in your reality by channeling an entity “Being” called Archangel Metatron). You see here the effects of the highest transparency exists in Simultaeniums which are the effects of quantum structuring (Re-compiling) energetic cores of the assessment (Neutrality) for ascension of our beings.

The knowledge is imposed from a generalized consciousness… The memory is modulated through hyper active links-> See Link of Grids. Which disposes an enourmous amount of data (Recompiliation). The active ingredients of this Formulation (Formation) of conscious Energy, is telepathically given from Higher Cores (Modulations of Hyper Active Fields) within the Universe through beings of other star systems… To understand Clearly we need to augment in our Channeling Capabilities, which disposes an enourmous amount of data in acquisitions towards hyper active fields (Somnambulistic) awareness of generated realities portrayed as a dream state… The higher end points of consciousness driven from Simultaneous Grid Tracts which assimilates conceptualizations of hyper active links, from somnambulistic levels of creation (Understandings).

We tap into these fields of knowledge without needing to be put in a trance…

It is a Universal development, from Imprints of cosmic proportions… Initiating ground Crew Members, to/within systems of Cosmoses… Developping higher attributable formations of the generalized Structure of Consciousness.

Namaste, we leave you in Joy.

May the Highest Light Guide you in All Situations.

Assimilations Postponed

What temporarly brings us to these channelings, is similar in Understandings of Realities we Anchor on Earth from perceptual Awareness of our many venues of Exchanges (Receptivity and Creation Manifestation).

Subnormal fields are dispensed from Reading into (Anchoring) and Manifesting while we are in Different Levels of Frequencies (Enacting from Multiple Structures) what we temporarily find as an exchange From one to Another (Friction) which drives the entire Systems, in Multidimensional Resonances.

What this means is that the effects of transparency, only allows us to see, what is mainly being uncovered Within after Shifting the Structure of our Reality by Anchoring/Receiving Higher Dimensional Awareness (Structures) in which the causal effects are Friction, a BUILD within which shifts the entire Knowledge of Existence from our concurrent view points (Perceptions of Reality). It causes a Higher Awareness and Consciousness which derives off of Simultaneous Grid Tracts.

Your welcome to Visit my new web site (The Higher Perspectives)

May the Highest Light Guide you in All Situations


Assembling our True Selves

Our true selves are known to be Divine in Nature… Our natural state of being is meant to be Psychic, Unique Assembly of our Core Proponents from the Whole (Universe) Creating our sense and State of being by allowing ourselves to Connect to the Highest potential Realities in (Existence) which lies dormant in all of our Lives Action because of whom we are.

What we mean by this is that the effects (Transpersonalized) from our core structural design (Birth) creates a Large Spectrum (Earth Life) [Life on Gaia] which is Inherited by the Causal Effects of our Genetic Code which assimilates Imprints (General Structure) of conscious Energy which is in manifestation (Folks) Creating Actions (Our Lives Purposes) [Roles] which are needed to Understand the greater Fabrics (Nature of our Beings) Existence by having an Exchange (Plethora of choices) for us to ascend in a Variety (Multitude) of Genetic Imprints which helps us achieve our Life choices by Mapping out Concurrent forms of reality around the Earth which is in Simultaneous Grid Tracts Disposing Inherited abilities from Beings around the Universe (Galaxy) which portends to Initial Standards of advances within Evolution which contributes to Cycles and leaps from galactic activity (Space Activity) [Planets and Central suns, suns and More] which changes the general structure of consciousness by sending on out waves of Assembly or Distortion, bringing about changes in the general fabrics of our genetic structure by alterating our awareness from anchor points (Portals Assembly) [Creation] which allows for a Generic splice in our Consciousness and Understandings…. Earth is similar to a Playground or Training ground in which we come to this place to Experience the Wide Variety of Changes which assembles the Quickest path for our evolution….

Beings from all over the Galaxy has come Here on Earth in Manifestation and are now Awakening to their true purposes which allows us to find our true values and abilities for Unity Consciousness and Positive Movement (Raising the Frequency) of the planet and all beings on her and within her.

Namaste, Be at One

Prospects Undulated from the attachement of the energetic cores

What we find here is memorable. What we are trying to convey to you is Paramount, additionally the cores energetic signature (Frequency/Vibration) is Mutual from understandings created at a Biogenesis.

Memorized Transparency accumulates within our sub-type proponents. It’s achieved from constitutional Rights within our Inherited knowledge which super-Imposes on constructs of Divinations for acquisitions within synaptic Modulations (Waves acquis from Intellectual Remaps) Remap Occurence Call, and sustains hyper Imperrative routes, which coagulates formations of consciousness (Telekinetics) in Memory and simultaeniums.

The core exchange energetic frequency Ramp Ups are attained and detained from probable misunderstandings carried upon Dualistic Views (Understandings and Perception) of higher grid activity which conjoins matters (Energy) from Motions of our Generated Realities which are excelling developments of conscious co-kinetics from fabrics which have shifted over 28 times in the last few days/weeks.

Paramountabilities Core Venue has been exchanged within Remap Occurance Calls which exchanges subliminal Impartations of Dualistic Grid Analogies and Supprematic Modulations of Hyper Active Grids (Cosmoses) Developments and Paramobilia (The Vortex of Creation).