Developments (GFL)

We are the Galactic Federation of Light with a message concerning your developments (The Earths) development.

We see by far, in the essences of your being’s core energies. That there are many new principles of thought by which we can gather day in and day out.

The frequency assemblies which lays concurrent towards your life’s many actions and decisions. We can comply in a greater setting or sub settled reason for us to find attributions of higher conscious energies.

Regardless to say, there is about a grand opening of sorts for folks (people) who have come from far away. To help us gather the necessary steps to formulate a higher proponent or preposition of thoughts by acclimating (bringing) the existent mechanisms of thoughts by which we currently are driving by the system. In hands, it is by far a great composition for others to see in the near future. We have excelled into a plethora of understandings throughout discoveries of technologies which we could only think of as a mechanism of cosmoses (Order) a system, functioning to align the technologies which we get or attain by following or formulating a “Model” or “Mechanism” aka Blueprint.

Alright that is it for now, we must cut it short.

Thank you for tuning in.
The Galactic Federation of Light

The Energetic Overlays

We see them by far, reaching over different areas in space, and through the use of exploration, from our light bodies, we can traverse into submersible realms or routes which are mostly appreciated by beings whom can make adaptations throughout their journeys. To accumulate knowledge and apply wisdom in their everyday routines and actions.

The purposes of our summoning, regardless, it is deemed unimportant within these moments. In the near future we shall accumulate a higher understanding of the knowledge which is implied within here, without the forms and knowledgeable features of those who may have had lower frequencies, emitted on out throughout the surrounding aspects of where this message has been transcript.

Please stand by. We are assimilating info for the next groups (Sub-set proponents of the advances) – In a cosmological Universe and Ticking Clock.

The more we begin to understand the fuller potentialities of our cores essence of being. Without regards to the unconscious programs which runs and acts deeply within our genome’s daily and nightly routines. We can then transform by the effects of simple disciplines and meditations. The formations for our well being and remembrance to higher applicable laws in times where this information had been retrieved by beings who had no types of coherency within our without the ado’s of those whom would bless the gathering of the new child.

Children are an important aspect in this world, we only see to live once with the aspects of remembering how to gather and show appreciation for those who would have fallen off-track. And by precipice of the advances we can now learn to ground and assimilate a higher technical aspect of how we conclude this messages transcription (The children love to laugh and make “Jokes”) – Smile.

Namaste, we are The Beings (A Collective) from Aldebaran.

We are in service to the multitude of beings whom works for the abundance within the galactic spheres of knowledge imposed within and on this Planet Earth.

Residency is accurately being formulated/gathered and proposed to others whom may want to join on in and help the evolution and planetary ascension.

In love and Light!

Product of a Higher State of Being

Allowing ourselves to anchor these energies. The flow which we are creating within this moment. It is by far a matter of actualizing the processes, or processions of the equinoxes. What gives reasons for us to dwell into a higher technological/Spiritual side of being. The knowledge imposed is and has by effects of the greatest chain values in history. By allowing ourselves to function into a realm of an unlimited cause and effect. The imagery (visions) and what we put on out into the field of matter & Consciousness. It is without faults that the awareness perceived is on a higher practical basis, for evolution (Spontaneity) to happen at different spaces in time.

We allow ourselves to flourish into an understanding of our ancestral strengths and abilities. It is foretold that events which have accumulated throughout generations (past infrastructures) it has allowed for us to view a higher potential gathering of beings whom wish to emit proponents of a singularity.

We bid you farewell, Goodbye.

The higher consciousness

The state of Existence

The existence, comes through an awareness.

1. In existence we have, Life (Living) or Objective Reality

2. In awareness we have Knowledge (Knowing) or Perception of a situation or “Fact”

So, Objective Reality is? A collection of that which we are “Sure” exist independently of us.

And Living is? Being Alert and Active.

In which you have not noticed, we are capable to uphold the generalizations of the unaware or unconscious features of our being’s totality. That which, meaning or being, the core concepts of the truths which are experienced through formal laws as “Acceptance” of things by which we have Experience by being alert and active with forms of our life’s awareness and perceptions of facts.

The reality or objective reality constantly shifts, depending upon your knowledge of objective reality and experience.

To perceive something which is by far, over the edges of reach for our comprehensions. We simulate the facts and attributes of the uncovered world and knowledge of our ancestors. Which are the beings who continually bring up the formations (Formulations) needed for our growth (Spiritual Growth) on this Earth. As for we are Individuals having an interconnected “dream” of the reality “objective reality” in which we live in.

If we are not alert or active, we are simply living dead or unconscious of the facts, no mater what state of existence you are currently in.

And the word Existence comprises of “All that Is” … In simple terms, Existence encompasses all that is (As we perceive, Know and Understand existence) We evolve to more specific traits of the “Objective Reality” that is known to us as something which we are “Sure” exist independently of us.

The State of Existence

In time, we can begin a new life experience where we understand the roles of the existence we live in, and have as opportunity for knowledge being learnt and applied as wisdom to those who would rather live an unconscious life, full of misery and or hatred.

The Uncontrollable Acts

What we choose to do upon these moments, signifies the greater steps or leaps being taken daily by people around the Universe. By accumulating knowledge and techniques to “kill” time. In other words to bring harmony to the uncovered or “coveted” cycles of oppression which has gone on for centuries of the Unconscious or Uncontrolled Narrative.

By seeing into deeper problematic states of “Existence” we come to terms “facts” of the “State” or setting in which we have as an Objective Reality.

In cosmoses, beings would rely upon the reality of their creations for continuity into a world full of understandable or desirable features for those who would accept the projected reality of the Cosmoses. An order of greater Light or Energies, without the means to control or assemble trough a polarized aspect of creation.

The exchange Groups

The finalization or totality of the cosmological working spheres of this planetary Realm. Is by far one of the greatest features or achievements of what a planetary body (Collective) being people and beings from over other areas, within and without. Bringing forth a story line to those whom would oppose the reality of existence or Creator.

The singular field of exploration by which the multiverses had capabilities to govern attributions of a cosmological ticking clock (or time bomb) that which being the Atomic and Nuclear bombs.


A fractal in Trinity (Trine) for assembly to a New Earth.

A planet for those who enjoys the life they were given with attributes of freedom to express, create, co-create and live on out forever.

A Planetary Ascension