How do you think we have processed the Information?

A message from GCS (Galactic Command Structure)

The Informational fields of energies which are utilized in our daily lives are in greater acceptances (Conceptualized) by beings in these spaces of time(s) – “moments” to be able to give reasons for us to ascend. The messages which are enthralled towards greater aspects of this “Feed” being/meaning light line or energetic overlay, is within reasons of a far acting proposition within systems utilizing a hyper active core (The conception of Energy from Matter in Generation). Think of free energy generator. The processions of/to/within emergings which have happened along the way/lines of energies depicted within daily venues of interactions. Have not only left us in an understanding of the enormity of the processus of ascendance but not only to ours / yours (Planetary Body). It is in exigences that we have foretold or overcame in abundant forms (Messages) a Transcriptase / Based Understanding of energies which are within and Around our Cells (Of the Universe). Compositions of “Star Matter” is an example of searches utilized for accurate structural implantations “Codes” which derrives off of initiatives in a contact ground crew team.

Submersible extents caused within time(s) of receivance (This Message) foretold beings of another realm (Aoi) to comply in external summations of the energetic (Overlays) which are ingrained in a dualistic matter Fashion for people of this “Technological” planet.

Namaste dear ones we are but a family tree of beings working alongside this planetary bodie in space and have become accustomed to the energetic frequencies which are send on out from technological “Implantations”

Namaste , be at One, we leave you in Peace.

Universal Cores of Knowledge #QS

Universal Cores of Knowledge


Understanding on a higher basic note of interpretations. The acclimations foretold to come from an
intergalactic community, to this planet Earth is, pretty much outstanding.
What we convey through the understandings of energies which are implied upon by beings of other star
systems is quite clear. In one case of implementations. The Acquired structural design / implantation of
energetic overlays (Overdrive) – of information, can structurally advance people in their knowledge
(Interpretational “Ampacity” – let’s say) … To let people, acquire from a Fractal Basis the Compositions
of their knowledge and / plus Awareness to interpret (Create) from their “World View” A structural Core
of Energies (Galactic Wise) – as we would implement or “Structure” a Model. Patterning with cycles of
evolution. The universe only understands more, than what it is capable of conveying to other Universes
(In the Space This space of time).
It requires relentless work to give on out attributions of a galactic command / forces, to relinquish from
fractal processes of understandings, the compositions of what we convey within patterns of a Model in
“Convolution” – Extortion or (Creation’s).
Do you think you Understand?
Galactic Cores from a Fractal Basis.

You have the right to see “Meta”

You have the right to see Meta

Choices in life? We have the right to make choices in life, right?

What would happen if you where told or that you “knew,” you where this tiny little speck on a planet which is worth nothing at all? And that nothing you do could make a difference in the world? Or that it could even make a difference in what is to happen, when you are constantly being threatened or treated in “this” or “a” certain manner or way.

Without knowing the difference of the values, you OWN, could this be what you understand life to be? A difficult road to new openings in which you have no choices? But to carry on in a specific way?… In a specific way because of what?… Think about it…? What can or could HOLD YOU DOWN INTO A SPECIFIC WAY or STRUCTURE OF THE WAY YOU LIVE, Known or Unknown* and WHY let it be so, or CHOOSE IT if we had an opportunity for something else?

Right now, as a  people on This planet. A lot is ongoing where we know of manipulation as a normality. Why would this be of importance? Have you ever heard of the “Info Wars?” For over centuries now billions of people are in a progression, a progressive state towards…? You could know this of course, it’s seen all the time, an evolution or awakening, maybe an idea to simplify or better our lives with ease…? But still, there is something more to it and it has always been that way… Let me explain… If you can try and “imagine” what Circumstances people could have, for a “breakthrough” – an outing to their suffering, or downpour of what they are told and being thought to be like or how to think? As either by being Blindsided or Forced Willfully or Unwillingly to agree to something which they would not knowingly have the right to choose otherwise.

What do you say? Do you understand where I am going with this?

Ok, maybe not, maybe so.

See here…

On a grand scale, the totality of this planet (The Earth), with the way’s in which we see “Companies” and or “Corporations” which can act “with” or “Without?” us (We) the People and our consent… As an example, Over-Conditioning People to think a certain way about their Lives? “Some” Products which they have at their disposal for people to buy? Some way’s to “Be” and “Act” like their hero’s, goddesses, and or Rockstar’s?

Their (Millions) if not BILLIONS of terms we agree to WILLFULLY? By accepting their “Conditions” from use of “their” products which they sell. What happens after that?

If those “Companies” and “Cooperation’s” would have good use in “population Control” making us view or understand themselves as good, bad or both in some cases (As they want us to think about them). Would this not make good use of a manipulated society? To farm “Bank” money, exploit, and not only that, but “keep control” by rolling out the wheel of ignorance as far as possible – stretching out its limits in every corner of the world… Even go beyond with what we understand and know as some kind(s) of proprietary Projects? * It surely is not ONLY for Our Consumerism and agreed upon “conditions.” To target consumers by any means, as letting consumers have “regrets” with use of their products (As smoking for example) … Where they make hundreds, even off the pharmaceutical products, they “Create” for them to “help” us quit smoking… But for what? To live a better life than those pictures they have advertised on the boxes? I surely know they over price every thing on the market. Have you ever heard of the saying “a 2000$ Toothbrush?” If not well look at your cell phone, “their” manufacturing cost, for one cell phone is about five cents (Literally Speaking). Most of those cell phones are sold at 1,099$

Try and ask yourself…  After reading on…

Would you ask yourself, are they trying to help us? Or simply play along with whatever “structures” they see most, if not all of us IN? What are their (The corporations) choices? and what are OUR choices? From what “they” see in “Us.” Through usage of their “Monitoring” from our every (Button Press), to viewing our eyes gestures, and even spoken words, with some very advance to very simple Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence – either in software or machineries of “their” technologies (Phones, smart-tv’s, Alexa, Google home, “Satellites” +++) Would you think of this as a good thing? For us? Them? Who Exactly?

Why would we care? And why would some fear “this” setup they made if we could even think about what’s happening on a constant basis, on the entire globe (Planet) to help us “gain” our “rights” back and “break-free” from this entirety (“The Structural Families” of a “Corporate Conglomerate Planetary Control System”) – If I’d go back into research I could find the exact numbers, but off the top of my head I know there are at least 5 Main Corporate Structures that control the entire Planet.

People get conditioned in “their” way’s. People utilize their products, the same way every other thing has ever worked on this planet (Look at older time’s with religions and so on…). Soo many people are just being contacted and having experiences and or visions and ideas (Creations) as Free energy devices or over-unity generators, which the knowledge at times, is not of its highest nature within ourselves to understand how “Those Companies” or “Private Corporations” operate under the guises of certain “technologies.” And why so? The gifts received are rendered useless because of how things are in areas of the world (Just to keep everything under “Control” by Over Conditioning with “Tactics” that very intelligent Beings and People are working together now, since a very long time). Why do they do this? And how come has it not been resolved yet? Do we see a Mature Population, or a Population which is deemed unimportant because of the “recklessness” in choices they “Do” or have been doing without putting any “Thoughts” into why we are here in the first place doing these things to one and another, as killing each other in war…? Have you ever noticed that most if not all of Humanity has been “Cattle” for their “Experiments?” Experiments of what? Melding groups together (Creating/Culling) moving people around with the use of fear tactics, psyops, mass psychological manipulations and warfare (With things as the U.F.O. subject from the past), to their needs or goals.

They have been manipulating our genetics with their “Inactive Viruses” +++ Weather Control and A lot more which we have no need to know? No need to know, because half the world does not want to. (How will knowing solve the effects of what is already out there for many people, to go look on out for their own and solve the riddles which keeps on dropping further down under their guise?)

What kind of riddle could that be? Well if you understand what information war is… Their tactics is simple, build something, create it, have it place in plain sight, (Or someone comes out with something which they do not want placed “out There”). They carry on “operations” as simple as building a pileup of BS around it. Loaded with what they call fake actors, or a bunch of black mailers and people who write fake information (Articles) changing the structures of what has been figured out by someone… And so, they can make it a conspiracy and carry on with what they call debunkers. So, people who are listening but not really looking. They just end up going with the information that leads to its end… Instead of really finding out the reality of it. And the ones who made sure to cover everything up, surely did, and keep on doing it up to this day, for many different things. Almost a very good job, up to the last 99.9% sometimes as it would never have happened in the first place. And those who know the truth, can’t really do much about it.

People who have no idea of the potentials, from their living experiences by day to day, learn or hear about such things for the first time. It can certainly make them “go crazy.” Think about it, if every experience they had which they could not explain. One day stumble or find answers with some forms of evidence. They can begin to lose touch with the reality they understood… For one, they realized out of the box they where in, because of what they have connected by their experiences relied to the information – pulled them out of the “confined” box. What they now understand and speak about to their relatives or others, may not make much, if any sense to them. This get’s them to try and understand what the heck is going on, so they learn some more. To find more truths about what’s happening on this planet… Usually it’s a lot of disinformation… Sonner or later you can get to the point where they lose their minds, or completely understand or “think” they do (Get delusional and or even have hallucinations).

Other’s simply listen or watch once in a while, maybe they say fuck this, I’m out (Back to simple life – or the comfortable “Illusion”) – “Someone might untangle the mess one day” – “Maybe then I won’t need to lose everyone I love and Know by trying to make them think otherwise”). Those folks probably seen the hardships of the “First Wavers.” The first people who began speaking of those certain things to other individuals. The first wavers did a good job paving or planting seeds for the next wavers which came in around the eighties and the third ones in the year 2000 which they call the “millenniums.”

Try this info for a change…

They have place very intelligent “Scientist” in “projects” where they would say to the scientist that they where very important and had a “special Mission” for them to carry on. They told some scientists they could save the Earth or potentially reseed the planet because of a “disaster” which would happen in their near future. They would make up stories, get them from those “Special Access Programs” and ship them to other planets… Once the scientists got there, they where simply used as slaves – with other workers. There are all kinds of planets in our solar system and beyond. When NASA say there are about billions of “Other” earths like planets out there… It’s because there truly is a giant network of very intelligent and structured “People” working around this universe, and traveling through dimensions, of “this” space and time. Some working with other people (Extra-Terrestrials) and most of the scientist which went to their “special missions” never got the likelihood of seeing their home planet again.

And then again, if you already know these things, you already know more than the “average joe.”

And so on… By knowing what’s written above, continuing down below will help pack it up in a neat little nutshell where we can understand what has happened.

The same way a child being molested or a servant of some “Kind” would act and be conditioned to think a certain way. Or that a new born would be “thought/Conditioned” by growing up from the rulings of their family (Or a Planetary Conglomerate of Corporate Families which hold control over the Earth’s)  – “affaires.” Then go on into society. Until they believe that which is true to be the truth and never have nothing more to do with it… Because, as we see a chair and a table in front of us? Doesn’t it not make sense that those principles of knowing are what they are. They are as simple as some of the beliefs, by which people (children) can get conditioned by and learn or understand about someone, something, even LIFE ITSELF. As something Equal to the likely hood of their truth about the chair and table. How can it be anything else? How would they believe otherwise? If their parents thought them to “kill Terrorists” as an example which would just be “Natural” for their “Known Understandings” of their “Reality” … Where does their likelihood of imagination go, and where do they put their creativity at work? We act as we have been thought and conditioned. We get used to those beliefs, and those that oppose would, or have been seen as… Well you guessed it “garbage” “Special” maybe a “target?”

How did Racism start? Does this cause them to find their own strengths to make the choices needed to break free from the illusionary effects of what has been seeded into our consciousness? Or does the condition render them weak to everything in which they would have Real Value for. And how would (If ever) they found the strength to break free (Of the “Illusions” – Let’s call it). Would they be able to see the light at the end of their choices? As other’s had the same experiences (By millions) with possibilities of [Finding out some Truth which transformed their concepts of reality and or Understanding]. By “awakening” or waking up, to what we have been conditioned and known to keep us asleep… Imagine a possibility of a wonderful life, full of colours and peace, abundance? Could you choose to see the effects of time going by, while you steady your flow, your strength to better your life, and find values to help other’s? And agree to live by knowing what has happened (From your choices). Be a peace with what we have been thought as division through “good” and “bad.”

How would you know to live from “outside” those standards, which you have been thought and conditioned through?

Have you ever wondered…?

If the entire Earth, could connect in One Piece (People) to have the entire structures of all places on Earth to change according to what they would have chosen as a breakthrough from the illusions? Do you Follow?… Can you Follow?

When we hear of the 1%, can you believe where and who (What it is?) which this 1% who “control” the world is doing? Is the 1% simply an illusion, or a greater plan to something which they needed be done?

If we could be hundreds of steps ahead of their plans… Would this make a difference to help ourselves find our strengths as a whole to stop a “Perfectly Structured and Complexed Illusionary World.” Connect us together and evolve to “a” next step. After all these YEARS of CONDITIONING, most of the time when we where in the “dark ages” which some have called. Not having any awareness of the possible advances which where ongoing.

Now some say we have entered the “Age of Light” or “The age of Aquarius” where all will be revealed. Where Enlightenment* happens on a mass scale.

It may have been called the “Perfect Storm” for a reason (Whatever this “Perfect Storm” is or has been, or will be) BECAUSE… Where would we see the advances happening when we are unaware of something “meta” Meaning (Beyond) or “Extra” in our daily activities, while being so comfortable in our day to day lives, knowing what we do and understand and watch on the television for a living? How would we find the greater Values and rise in our potentials on a Wider and quicker Scale? Many of us get tired of it. Most of us have found groups, and structures as “Q” or “Qanon” which began a while back, and guided most people back to their sovereignty. How will this continue? Small and large groups gather around and do world wide meditations, for peace, for light and ease the planetary consciousness, to help us feel more joy, wellness until a breakthrough happens.

Another thing… Who has the right to sovereignty on a Planet Guided by Corporations who sensors, controls and blocks out those who would oppose? How does it matter so much, that many folks have “mysteriously died” or suddenly “Disappeared out of Nowhere” or have been bribed and became rich from a single night to day – day to night? They have control over those who would oppose and there is also the “Info Wars” which all information which would oppose The Corporations “plans” or “Agendas” have hired “agents” to blackmail, or blacklist and even say other wise on people’s forums or channels who have the answers. They would discredit them or make mockery and fun +++ From those who simply want to help break us free from an “illusionary state” or system. The system is melded into “A” type of societal Earth?…

What if this doesn’t matter?… The (1%) or even now speaking / writing, the (99%) are beyond and Already have control over their plans? Do we see this a possibility? Some advance day in – day out, no matter the outcomes, some tirelessly. And what happens? What can we know ourselves to be, when walking through as people of the 99%? What do you think our plan is? Have you found out?

If a child is being molested, do you think the person who is molesting the child have power? And why is it so? Because of the Fear which is Imposed upon them? From anger and disarray, through the thoughts and beliefs given day-in day-out.

Where would we start? Where would we begin by making a change?

We know that it takes time, to let’s say, recover… So how would a whole planet “recover” by breaking free from all that is known as a corruption or mass manipulation?

How do You See Life?

How do you see Life

Can you see the life your living as something of greater value, than at the level you’re living it about?

In other words, if you have goals in life, do you see yourself living at higher values, once you reach them? Or do you keep looking for higher ones?

In life we know there is reasons to find better “accords” (The accords are what usually brings us happiness) – The joy in what we find and do in the value in which we have created from the events we live.

So, to process things on a higher note… In a simple form, the reason we look at things the way they are… If ever? Is it for good reasons? An example to all of this is, why would we choose to be angry or depressed at something while we are (Or think) we are at joy with the “things” or events we create for ourselves.

A party for example, with many people having drinks and cheering on for things which we can speak of. To get us going? To the next… The next what?

These questions may look like rubbish speaking. Why would we ask ourselves these questions?

The reason is (In Unknown Times) we learn of greater “lessons” and “things” or Reasons, in life, to find Value in what we do. And for whom?

Ourselves or Other’s?

Now people do good things in life, we see it as a very positive thing.

Some of these people (Almost every single one of them) – will have an encounter where someone is trying to break the values of your positive or routine “like” setup. Which stirs up your internal “beliefs” or system of how you do things. It let’s you explore or see yourself as (Am I doing this wrong? Or the Right way?).

There is a LOT more to what we experience every day. What we place (From within, to the outer) or keep within us (As thoughts) can shift in reasons of different values, what we have overcome, or will overcome in the future.

Why is it so important to keep a steady grip on your thoughts?

What you put out there, can always become a reality. As the emotions or anxiety, sadness or happiness, placed throughout thoughts and visions which re-appear over and over ARE NOT SIGNS of what will happen. They are SIGNS of what you have the RIGHT to attract in your lives. If we think about a Goal or a Dream. And follow through with it. In time it can become true. The same can happen for the anxious or more “Negative” thoughts placed on things which have or had and will or continuously “re-awaken” within us.

When we speak of a collective consciousness. We are speaking of the Whole or a Group of people, who interact with each other. Even those that see from on the other side of the world (Through Computers or their phones) not to mention the Television. Those “Programs” and videos all have “Thoughts” emotions and energetics behind them. Right? The basics of Manifestations. Ideas come from?… Let’s say other’s, ourselves? Or maybe, some group of folks (people) who have already thought about something together and manifested it as a group. The conscious “Collective Energy” of those who manifested a particular setup… (As the challenges which people keep on reoccurring differently on the videos off-of the Internet). A simple example this goes on to evolve by ideas form around the globe. The ideas keep shifting, keep on going.

Now the possibility, of that singular “Programmed” conscious energetic, which is running around, happens in every moment, even when we dream. People who create are gathering the ideas and structures from? That which is already place in the collective of this planets “Grids” and conscious energies.

So, which ever levels you rise up to, from what you “Tap Into” if you can understand this “Rightfully” you can begin to “Attract” as download the energetics of what you are constantly being fed. What you read, what you watch, speak of, learn, and so and so…

To carry on, if you where to value your life, because of a person in which you loved greatly? And… You would put your heart and soul into this person you love the most. What happens when you lose them?

What changes in yourself? Can it be your attraction to the way you lived with that person? Or is it simply because you had better things to learn (Greater things to Experience?). If so, what do you decide to do, to pick yourself back up and see “Value” in your life. What do you choose to “Value” next? Has it any importance?

If other’s see value and potential in you. How would you make yourself a better person to pick yourself up together and build “Value” for yourself and other’s?

These are simple questions to some answers which have already existed a long time ago.