Channeled Message – Amira (What to Expect) – Energies month of April/May

Hello everyone! Today, I will connect on within to Amira, and see what she has to say (or even Ramek – in this case) about the energies of the month of April/May, and what to expect.

Now let’s begin. Amira, Ramek are you there?

Them: Yes Mario we are here, what is your question? Or matter, purpose for our summoning?

Me: I was wondering if you could give us, me and the readers, an outlook on the month of April and May… As what to expect and what kind of energies may be driven/shifted… Any particular events in need of considering or shining light on?

Ramek: Yes, let’s begin by stating here that Amira will work on the initiates, where to begin in all of this (the message) and from there on out I will add me (and collective) our families underneath the Earth’s surface. For more information on this watch “Cosmic Disclosure” on the Gaia network. O.k now, Amira, do you want to take on the lead (take on over)?

Amira: Yes Ramek, thank you for letting the people know of what importance we may find within this transcription or message to say the least… The energies of the month of May, may shift a little bit (some minds) out there, because of the implementations of cosmic proportions in the scientific communities. There are great leaps happening all around and disclosures of these kinds can let people to begin to falter – lack of a better word here, to allow them to foresee an amazing imprint of informational downloads acquitted for beings (a calling) from traverses made within implantations of the unacknowledged world of cosmic disclosures on the web and so on…

Amira: What I mean in this instance is that people around the world are going to begin to question the propositions (in turn) around the aspects of convoluted properties of the Nordics – for one… For once it is submitted beyond representations of what they are capable to do with there technologies… in any case Mario, it would be best for you to begin to understand the bigger implementations of cosmical proportions put on out within this blog’s proprietor stats, as accustomed to the numerised proprietor grids utilized for core conductivity in conditioning people to begin to lapse or get an understanding of what this is about. Go read on out “Raising Consciousness” and from there on out if you do believe in what is a probabilistic matter of attenuation within galactic spheres upon this Earth which keeps people up at night. There are more intelligences growing fond in you (the readers) while we make interconnections to your higher selves. A guidance found throughout allocations of how we will portend to the next assimilated charges carried on by your suns activity, and so on. Delocalizing perpetual agents (In time) to eventually submerse yourselves in a line up* which will carry on the rest of the day’s energies into a more profound and balanced state of Higher Acuity for developments into the golden spiritual age of Gaia (this Planet). Namaste, with that said… Ramek?

Ramek: Yes Amira, portending changes that have happened by grand exemptions of humans on this Earth taking part in a secret space program alliance… There is more to unfold in the nearest future in kinds of people beginning to understand the underlying physical properties of the technological codes which are send on out to multinational users on this Earth, which have the capabilities to astral project and so on. They are good usage in “targeted programs” which allows for the mechanical grid structures of the machineries utilized by the Nordics to interconnect liable (formulas) – light lines to individuals having a dream or nightmares in this case (concerning whether you are connected on lower to higher frequencies of experiencing). The localized aspects of what kind of missions are gathered for people around the Earth. Are made remarkable by people which are in NASA remarkably, the exchange point of contact or assisted contact assimulations in contemporal realities (managements) this creates (from the technologies) what we can come to comprehend or get to compromise as an inherent structure of our genomes abilities (light body transmissions) and thought controls – even movements – to govern beings to a simpler (simplified reality) by check ups* what they would call them… The ability to make or control an individual by making (giving the remarkable matters within their visual interpretive states of alure) which shifts the contournal messages ingrained within their proprietor statuses (advances) cords of energetic modulations which are attached to the visual cortices which transposes information beyond their visual eye sights and governs them to new areas in exploration all from within the use of the third eye and light body evacuation or abduction to another plane of existence (in some cases) which is not always good, but no matter has no causes for harm whatsoever (in many cases) thousands out of 300 cases goes by unnoticed, for individuals who likes to create and explore within the 5th dimension and higher…. The prophecies exchanged by groups of people on this Earth is simply one unattended agenda being created for export (utilizations) when something comes up (ratter of big importance) to shift people’s attention and perception of the world on a ratter easier basis (line of thought) and explanation (a consortium) for rationalizations.

Ramek: alright that is all for now, we leave you be, goodnight. Namaste, farewell until next time.

The collective of Ramek and Amira.

Amira: goodbye Mario & others.

Me: Farewell, thank you for your reading (message) Namaste.

Amira, what would be best for us to Understand in these times…

Amira, what would be best for us to Understand in these times… Concerning what’s ongoing on Earth, in the more specific* or Detailed Secrecy (In kept – Undisclosed Phenomenons or Technologies & Projects) which would be useful to get us back on track here?

Amira: Well mario as disclosure happens on your Earth, you have to remember that there are many groups “phishing” on out Information, regarding what is allegedly happening on a More Global Scale with Extraterrestrial Presences or Non-Terrestrial and also Unacknowledged programs to say the least. Mario, there are great leaps in technologies which have been ongoing since the mid 80’s which is still kept under guard or secrecy.

Amira: In this case, I can not disclose any particular things which would not be justified by acceptable causes of known facts or simply be factual expressions of what we concurre or assimilate for you. Rather, what would be possible is help you align towards our planetary body (Situation in Space) at Alpha Centauri, in which case we could allow you to see with better accords, how we came to a conclusion of what your Earth “Secret Governments or Secret Space Programs” have been doing, and where you stand in all of this… Yess Mario we can casually bring you to better understandings of how or what is going to be conceivable in the next generation of human beings (People) who are advance to say the least with abilities that have been forged from some of their involvements in programs which they may have had no clue they were in, in the first place.

Amira: By actualizing your thoughts we can displace some of your “property” or belongings as memories and such. There is a greater field of knowledge, through / or disposition which carries on charge from your DNA’s timetable and recovery options (For a Light Body) & Light body Transmissions. There are great leap’s on the technological side, which have been in works by assisting humans (People and Extraterrestrial & More) in this Universe since a Long time, before we could even begin to comprehend the internal structures of what these technologies may be. As you regard yourselves as one of us, an E.T. soul, then by many chances we can come to accommodate an experience or view of your perceptions and help, to guide us (On occasions) what has driven us to a higher singularity or extraordinary mapping within perceptive causes of experiences that shifts your known understandings of what you potentially are, here on Earth in these times and above all, we want to say that the expectations that has brought forth the recommendations from Gaiam Network or the Gaia network or streaming service. The videos concerning what you can (We can speak of) in here or on here, is that the alignments or synchronicity found through Intent and focus, (As Praying) can cause us to assess from a field in which we tap into and align with others of the same vibratory structure while downloads are occuring in daytime or while dreaming. On occasions we can allow for the technological side (What is all happening within undisclosed areas of existence / experiences) on this Earth on a Wider scale… is that we have the potential to inflict or pose as Thoughts (Fields of Informational Grid tracks) which are aligned and manipulated (Injected) within the Structural compound or collective consciousness of this planet. And as groups of people we can move into doing something about the story which unfolds as we gather from the downloads in internal structuring which happens with the technologies which can shift and help manipulate or give a boost to some, who would work towards creating and accessorizing Earth’s history on a grander scale and with greater usage of the internet. Because as time has passed us, there is great reasons to find how we can commune with you Mario. And as always there is much more to be said, but without further ado. We leave you Be, Until next time, this has been Amira with a Channeled message by Mario.

Thanks for Tuning-In, Namaste

P.s Trying to bring in some message which would be useful, but regardless I have no idea how to get to more views or better messages since i go one way, and the pattern is hard to change, it does evolve tho, The structure or way that things happen for creation (Channeling, Drawings, Videos) and what not. I would really enjoy if some of you could start sharing or liking or donating more likely. I know the information may not serve you (In some cases) since it may not be for all audiences, but still if it does bring you inspiration or something which you have found it useful, Please do make a donation to help us get back on track with things. I know some of you are very kind and do donate, its very much appreciated, in times I would love to have this as a job, if I could see dedication or so towards it. Thanks for listening in. Have yourself a great day or night.

Amira, and then Hangchoo – Channeling a Collective

Hi Mario, we wish to say to you today, that there is a Large resumption of Energies, Being Interplayed on your Earth (In your Atmospheres) and on other Spaces in your Local Cluster.

There is but one problem in which we need to solve.

Me: What may this Problem be? 

Amira: Yes Mario, this problem is less of something to solve, rather it serves the whole, Unity as One Formation (Formulation) of planets in your Galaxy and Portending changes accumulated at this juncture…

?: We have surplexed Emotions for your Receptions Mario and Other’s, Please do be careful In what is Managed on your Side of the Veil, While we experience in the Higher Ops (Being the Operations) as Group souls and Collectives, which you may do (Have work) with in the day’s to come and so forth… Our representations are not in good conclusion towards what we are meaning (Meant to say something about my surroundings)… Please do, put your attention on what is being (arriving) consciously by us.

You will Implement greater clarifications for your audience in times… When it is ripe.

By allowing yourselves to go on about in different experiences (Of Existences) from Perceptual Realities. We want to say that there is great hope in things that you do (We do) as a Collective of Beings or Souls in other realms and dimensions. We hope that you Understand that these messages are by far, Exceeding precedential measures of your accumulated Karmic Relations, and this can bring about greater or clearer insights into what we purposefully want to accomplish (Through you and others) by means of seeding this consciousness on this Earth.

We welcome all into these energies, as the accumulated fractals which happens should become greater after the residual effects of our transparency. Brings forth a Higher Opening for your Resurrection into a Higher Realm of existence. Being the Way of Life, willing and capable beings whom channels our energies. We are the collective of Hangchoo. You may call us by this name as exposed here… Now to come to greater clarity… My representative will allow for the end of this message.

Thank you Hangchoo, we may bless these energies with the creative energies formulated for our ground expressions on this Earth (Planet Earth/Gaia). 

Namaste, all is Well. 

Them: All is well Indeed.