Processes of Assimilation


The content received in this writing can be linked to grand alignments from my ongoing awakened dream state. The processes of assimilation can conduct insertions of energetic confines (Compressed Energy) manifested as (Remap Occurrence Calls) which are given to substantiate the indifferences which levels out the waves (Modulated) for higher coherency in our liquid states of awareness (Receptions).

Assimilations can bring contents of a higher dispersion within our conceptual remarks, which detains liable forms of our own awareness to comply within structural synaptic waves, which undulates the extensions which halts the effects of our resonances to higher conditions (From our Existence).

The probable FORMULATIONS which have been accessed from liable constraints within our assimilations… Can construe awakening portals, for individuals to augment in their evolution on this Earth, as we are traversing the thresholds of technological breakthroughs which could potentially change the entire structure of our conditions on this Planet known from leaps which have been made throughout history in the human race by effects of Agendas transposed as a transparent form of evolution by standards which exists by higher forces in the Nature of the Universe… It is transparent because the formulations which are gathered for accountability in our future “Contact Nodes” will decide how we are implementing something which has been causation of a greater existence being played out (Interchanged) from beings which may have come from other dimensions as the energetic cords which have been accessed within the technological breakthroughs has augmented our liable forms of contact to differentiate the probable routes which determines how we are in natural transgressions that have evolved in a surplus of resonances which have been a “By-product” (Of Consciousness).

The technological side of what is possible with consciousness and machines interacting with the psyche of beings on this Earth, can become active from other sources as well as machines which have the potential to change the energy which is working on the molecular levels, even up to microcosmic events which is mainly untraceable by the effects of distance and time… It can manipulate the energetic cords which consists of formulations in our generic consciousness while allowing frequencies to become active and decoded by a human brain, after we have processes of assimilation (Conducting) “Decrypting” and allowing integrations for us to have transcriptions of the frequencies which are being send out to individuals which are on this Earth, working as a greater whole in a totality of systems which is utilized for construction of a “Quantum Leap” in effects of the abilities we develop and our initial roles on this Earth after having contact with beings which are Extra-Terrestrial, which they can come from other dimensions and possibly interact in ways which are beyond our own understandings, which have effects beyond protocols of what we are working into by having transcriptions (Writing this Document). From the proponents of a hyper active link to existences which works as a primary model of the hyper dimensional concepts of existences, while we are in transgressions to future contact codes, which have been accessed in these moments from products of a transmission that heralds forces of a Universal Nature, contended in-between states of our consciousness for transcriptions which are held under the currents of time, which changes the velocity of this reception (Which are Transmissible Routes) to faraway places in the galactic confines of space, which is generally found to be known as hyper dimensional thought transcriptions, interchanging the co-active links we have with time and the awareness of individuals working concurrently in many ways as a surveillance, working remotely with individuals whom have been able to access and decode (Within Training) which helps us gather Intelligence which remotely comes from a transmission interposed through frequencies which is decoded and transcribed by Mario, for actualizations on communications which are beyond our comprehensions of the universal nexus which abides in terminological terms as a transparent language known to be emitted from natural sources which are conscious in this universe and beyond.

To understand the implications which are held under currents of change by the awareness of how AMAZED we can become from processes which are initially… Partially unprovable until we get to understand by experience, the effects of what is being gathered here…

As me, Mario I should know how, and have the discernment to understand what these liable transcriptions have come to be from my actual processes while I am writing this Document.

If you can understand that these may have been formed from sources which complies with events of assimilations to conduct the right “Codes” for us to have these transmissions, then I should know by now that the initial force which is beginning to pick up speed in writing these parts is potentially linked to higher resonances which have been achieved from the links which were conducted under impasses of the initial causations tempered EFFECTS of SOLAR STORMS which can cause miscommunications and communication breaks. That part which has been written comes from assimilations which transcodes partials of the energetic cords, which can align matter (Manifestations) to greater potential effects of the causal fields while we are adjusting singular compressions for Higher Octave Chains which has as effects, a shift in our consciousness which gathers perceptions from within to attain an awareness of what it is we are transcribing momentarily… But the effects gathered from accountable forms of resonances which surpasses the inertia of our connection (Core Contact Grid) then we can fall into frequencies which are transposing interests of our chemistry within our brains function, alleviating the effects of (The Awakened Dream State) which is holding us under formations of an altered state of being… Which can be hard to accept as our daily activities and functioning state is impeded by the effects of the altered state of awareness. By disposing higher intellects in these fields, we are contributing to an additional (Theory) construed for assimilations of a higher order within our experiences as we come to know phenomena’s which may be unexplainable, but driven by these Documents… We can implore the effects of associations, which can be made as remarks, after assessing proponents of the causes, inherited within the functioning awareness we have in these times.



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