Restoration phase Active


Decisions go about round table discussions in future contact trips.

Memorable extensions are attained by a chain of commands working to potentially link our memorabilia within these documents for advances on potential field linkage at some higher prospects individuated from a rise in frequencies.

The adjustments are paramount from individual choices we get while forming a suprema for externalizations, which are carried on from higher grid enactments…

Some protocols are needed for adjustments which we would/can attain momentarily for advances within Cosmoses which can be seen as the natural order of evolution, space and our lives purposes from within the human genome.

Perpetuated fabrics may become a new, from potential links we have while adjusting our memory for synapsing currents to flow at greater coherency.

Internal adjustments can be made by a wide variety of choices we have while conversing or having thoughts/memories.

The present moment is defined indifferently from constructs which have been known as the foundation of our reality on this Planet for eons of time.

Differences are constructed/construed by mapping currents of change within the natural order of existence as humans.

We have many different pathways to go to, and come from, but all lead to the Oneness of our beings within as without, construed by the awakening populace.

Indifferences are changing daily by decisions which are kept in a cycle for advances on the known experiences which lies in our divine nature or the core structure of our human existence on Earth.

Paramountability was a document achieved by allowing the super consciousness to take command (surface) in our perceptual grids which exists within our cores command structure (Alliance).

Decisions which are paramount to your lives purposes can be altered by having higher frequencies (Vibrational states) which augments your chances of allowing better causes for attractions (Magnetics) to form your dream paths with higher probabilities. Meaning that which is paramount in your decisions which allows you to have currently what you need in your life for experiences which you may be looking for, will come about from allowing your vibrational states to function at higher causes within your own creations.

Advances made within cosmoses can be regarded as alignments which potentially brings about greater coherency in every lower state creations you may had achieved.

The pathway required for advances on experiences which allows us to see clearly what seems impossible to understand throughout our lives can be attended from fabrics which we work within as meditative states, and creation, helps you ground and connect to source, which allows an open light line for adjustments, which are carried on from the magnetics, as for consciousness may supply you with extraordinary material after we attain momentum in our refinements, what you send out (Transmit).

Higher frequency stasis can be amended at setbacks which causes the additional information to carry you into saturated fields which activates your torsion fields and leaves you into constructs for activity (co-creation) as life is nature which is composed of a wide variety of things as space and the universe connects many hidden forces to help you maintain a connection to your life paths on this Earth.

Hyper active fields can dispose some of your contents within creation to allow higher attributable formations of consciousness to form extraordinary features within your lives divinity while acquiring co-active links to your surrounding implications which allows us to supply you with new routes which are; divination breaking points.

Co-active fields are sustained by information exchange and currents of changes which are attended within the vibrational frequencies (coherency) within you hearts which synchs with other humans which we come in contact with for an amount of 33days :)

Contact comes about usually after disclosure which if you’re keen enough to understand… Someone whom lives the normal life without knowing about the existence of other beings in the galaxy and on this Earth, having the information come to being from his stand point or research can contend to a simple adjustment within the minds barriers which allows an awakening human to transmit different frequencies for adjustments which pertains to hyper active fields… Those fields work in long distances, casually they can be formed for us to advance in what is needed for our purposes here on this Earth and in the Galaxy as the Universe.


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