Transposing the Interest


Actualizations within this document should be noted to give about new exemptions within the field’s vortex contact point, as for the subtle emersions are key components which arrives within time of the event.

Now to transpose the interest we are giving you information which is potentially linked in higher octaves to subliminally govern attributes of a hyper dimensional mind (Universal Mind) by sustenance (Oneness). Temporization of this document will be posted with time stamps beginning now: 4:04am.

The reconstruction analysis, which portends to individuals in frequent rises of understandings or awareness, the potential to reap or wreak havoc within these documents should be denoted to liability of this individuals potential to carry on the right words while modulations are interposed from transgressions in terminal velocity factors as the type x grids are active in the chain of commands.


Sustaining the accords is an important key feature which we are working thoroughly with this individual for exemptions in neutral grids which predisposes information by standards of laws which have been accumulated and constructed on your Earth. 4:06am

Redistributing these forms are in additions to give about the potential to augment in dispositions towards your general life decisions which elaborates at greater expenses of energy while modulations are carried on for future contact trips. 4:07

Substantial results were made in the past as for the accumulating concepts achieved within our nexus can contemporize the hyper velocity factors which conjoins within additional statuses of individuals reading into these informational fields as for the additional commands portended from frequencies which rises contemporarily in additional constructs can contribute to excessive counts of our reproductive assimilations for accountability in future prospected codes. 4:09am

The decisions we take momentarily is substantially governed by grid type ratios which are in decryption for substantial results in portending fabrics which are concurrently shifting for your accords. 4:09am

Numerating the very existences of grids predisposed in the universe is an excellence in how we know what is to come in the near future while we go into space and on Mars as additions to the contact trips which were initiated in past formations of our words. 4:10am

Temporarily the hyper velocity factors… As type x grids commemorates better expenses of our energy for modulations which excels in prosperous informational fields contending to the orbiting ships in outer space (Around the Earth) as for we commemorate to individuals carrying ascension codes to initially portray the exact moments where we are in need of giving new constructs to folks on this Earth for advances in all pertaining matters individually which gathers prosperous amounts of dire intellects to subliminally link co-active fields to other individuals which can form many synchronistic events. 4:12am

Terminological demands were given for proactive studies while we were in governing flows which attributed formations of our memory for exemptions in the grid type ratios commanding list. 4:13am

The excessive counts we have in these portending fabrics are shifting profoundly while we adjust the hyper velocity factors which shall now be called the hyper x factors as for the incisions made upon grid type x is additional in our commanding systems to sustain the accords of these channelings. 4:14am

Numerating the grids will be exponential in future contact trips for additions which can temporize the hyper x factors which carries on codes for us to resend to what we could term as creator for an excess of 27days as for the excessive count we have momentarily can begin contributions to individuals having potential reads in fabrics which shifts and inter-disposes the informational grids which will accumulate an excess in liabilities for advances in hyper x factors. 4:16am

Transformative energies are gathered around the Earth by the galactic wave which is transduce by extensions of our abilities to evolve with additions of these abilities as for the temporal velocity factors condones greater reputable task forces to commemorate to this individual for frequent rises in connections (receptivity) of our Documents. 4:17am

Transposing the interest can subliminally change by transgressions, the velocity factors of our mind and soul body connection to duplicate codes which have been achieved by the ascended masters. 4:18am

To surrender to the initiative causes of our genomes main functions we would supply you with a generic splice which would copulate awareness at different accords to sustain hyper imperative routes which governs attributes of a universal oneness. 4:19am

Transposing the interests are also interposed in different formations of the sustenance within this documentation as for the accountable processes which are attained within transcription can additionally form greater reuptakes in future reads (Individually this conducts part 1 of codes analysis portending to initiative causes.) 4:20am


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